Why do Some People Dislike Being a Teacher?
Posted On June 16,2020
One thing that many teachers have in common is a passion for their jobs. But passion can often invoke both positive and negative feelings, sometimes even at the same time
If you’re thinking of becoming an early childhood educator, it’s helpful to know some of the common challenges you may face throughout your teaching career so you can be more prepared on how to handle them or even avoid them altogether.
What is being a teacher really like? Here is an honest look at what the job entails:
Lack of Support
For some teachers, lack of support is a common complaint. This is especially true for a new or first year early childhood educator who doesn’t have a strong support system in place yet. Being a new teacher is already overwhelming, but it’s even more so when you feel like you’re on your own in terms of managing large class sizes, a lack of supplies or classroom materials, and a lack of help or support from parents or family members. This is why it’s so important for new teachers to seek out support and help from an experienced mentor who can answer questions or lend advice and guidance.

Stressful Work Environment
Teachers must be able to handle stress and be able to multitask, as they juggle a lot of responsibilities in a fast paced, hectic environment. Some of these responsibilities include dealing with multiple behavioral issues and challenges in the classroom, settling arguments between students, responding to parent inquiries and concerns, monitoring and ensuring the health and safety of multiple kids at once and so much more.
Constantly Changing Environment
Teachers must be comfortable with the idea of change, because change is always happening. Whether it’s a new training session they’re required to attend, or a new teaching method or technology they’re asked to learn, even if they don’t agree with it.
Taking Your Work Home
Your workday doesn’t necessarily end just because your students go home for the day. Teaching involves some amount of after-hours work, such as lesson planning, grading papers, responding to parent emails, attending meetings and attending school events.
It’s not always school work that teachers take home with them either. It can be difficult for some teachers to separate their professional life from their personal life, as they carry the heavy burdens of their students’ lives home with them.
Lack of Respect
Teaching can sometimes feel like a thankless job, especially when dealing with difficult students or family members. In addition to dealing with difficult students or family members, some teachers also feel micromanaged by administrators.
Learn More about Our Early Childhood Education ProgramEmbracing the Challenges
No job comes without its share of trials and triumphs and teaching is certainly no exception. It’s important to acknowledge what went wrong whenever you do have a bad day, but don’t dwell on it. Learn from your mistakes and then move on. By continuing to focus on the negative aspects of your job, you might unintentionally miss out on some remarkable moments of your job as well, and there are plenty of memorable and rewarding moments to be had as an early childhood educator.
Interested in Becoming a Teacher?
If you’re thinking about becoming a teacher, contact Athena Career Academy today for more information about our early childhood education program. We can set you up for a lifetime of success with a fulfilling career.