7 Ways to Find Your First Teaching Job

Posted On September 12,2018

7 Ways to Find Your First Teaching Job

You have the knowledge, skills and degree. Now it is time to land your first teaching job. However, looking for new teaching jobs can be daunting, frustrating, and a little scary.

But is possible.

Patience, hard work and a can-do attitude will get you off to a good start. And to make things a little more manageable, here is list of tips that could give you a leg up on the competition.

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1. Networking, Networking, Networking

Everyone you meet is a potential lead to your new job. Network aggressively with friends and acquaintances. Let them know you are looking for a teaching position.

Be sure to contact your college classmates and professors, as well as high school teachers and administrators, you met while you were a student. They usually have direct contact with school administrators and could put in a good word for you. And don’t forget to spread the word about your job search on social media.

2. Substitute Teach

Regular substitute teachers are often a school or district’s first choices for new hires. Subbing allows you to get familiar with administrators and fellow teachers, and they get to know you too. Working will give you valuable experience in the classroom and give you to opportunity to practice and improve your teaching skills. Plus, it’s a great way to bolster your resume.

3. Showcase Yourself

Landing a job, especially a teaching job, is a time to show off your skills. Let your hidden talents shine. Schools are always looking for that something special in new hires that can add to a teacher’s appeal in the classroom. This also helps when you don’t have much teaching experience.

In addition, you will want a killer portfolio to take with you to interviews. Your portfolio reflects your professionalism as a teacher, so gather transcripts, certifications, recommendations, lesson plans, and anything else that will help establish your qualifications.

4. Know Technology

Today’s classrooms are incorporating more and more technology. You must be up to date on any and all educational technology if you want to land a teaching position. And its not enough to just be aware of them. You much know how to use them and implement them in the classroom.

5. Go to the Job Fair

Job fairs aren’t just for college students. Attending an educational job fair could lead to teaching jobs. School district in attendance have jobs to fill and you could fill them. You also get to meet school personnel face to face. That makes a stronger first impression that a resume.

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6. Visit the Career Center

Colleges that offer teaching degrees often have leads of open teaching positions. The school’s Career Center will have a database of available jobs. Career Center advisors are also excellent sources of information. They will also be able to advise you on how to network and get your foot in the door for interviews.

7. Be the Best

Standing out in you current position shows your tenacity and hard work. There are skills that are a must in the classroom. You must maintain a positive attitude. Consider everything you do a potential job interview. You never know who is watching to what they might notice. Make yourself memorable. This is especially important if you are currently working in a school in some capacity.

Remember to enter every interview with confidence. Patience and perseverance will carry you far inyour job search. And try not to limit your career too much. Be open to different locations and positions.

Thinking about becoming a teacher? Athena Career Academy can get you there. Call Athena today at 419.329.4075.

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