Why Are Waiting Lists Over a Year for Nursing Schools in Michigan?

Posted On March 25,2016


There are a number of reasons that schools can wait list students for certain programs. Usually programs that are in high demand and that require special requirements end up having wait lists while schools try to keep up with the number of incoming applicants. Currently, the wait lists for nursing schools in Michigan have reached an all-time high with students waiting more than a year to get into their desired programs. This has been caused by a drastic shift in demographics as more people are aging and living longer, driving an increased need for healthcare workers. As the healthcare industry expands, wages continue to rise and new job openings appear each and every day. Students interested in taking advantage of these opportunities are clamoring to get into nursing school now, pushing the schools beyond their capacities. Fortunately, looking at schools in other states, like Ohio, may be just the solution you’re looking for.

High Pay

For most people, attending college and getting a good paying job are a part of the plan. Students who aren’t sure where to begin may look for schools that are relatively inexpensive to attend, while also looking at potential pay. The state of Michigan has an increasing need for nursing professionals, and the result has been higher pay and more job opportunities available to graduates. The potential for high pay has caused more students to apply to nursing schools in the area to take advantage of the current market conditions. 

toledo_nursing_school.jpgWhile most schools are glad to see such a boom in enrollment for their classes, there are some physical limitations for how much they can actually handle. Class sizes can only increase so much before instructors are overwhelmed and teaching quality begins to suffer. As a result schools may be forced to open wait lists until they are able to either expand their operations to take on more students.

In-State Tuition Rates
It’s no secret that attending school out of state can cost more than staying at an in state school. However, sitting on a wait list for a year can also impact the amount your are spending and reduce your earning potential. Even if an out of state school costs a few thousand dollars more than the nursing schools in Michigan, graduating a year sooner by skipping the wait list means that you could be making $40,000 sooner rather than later. The small jump in tuition costs probably does not outweigh the lost earnings while you wait to register for classes.

Right now nursing schools in Michigan are faced with a growing list of students who want to begin on a new career path. Unfortunately, they have neither the space nor the staff to handle the needs of the students already on hand. The result is that students are forced to wait more than a year to continue their education, leading to lost wages and uncertain futures. While many students have signed up for wait lists because they don’t believe they can afford other options, the reality is that a nursing school in Ohio may be a viable and cost effective option that allows you to get started sooner and graduate before your peers in Michigan have even begun their first classes.  

Start Your Journey Now

To learn more about a career as a Practical Nurse, and whether it’s the right fit for you, schedule an appointment with Athena Career Academy today. One meeting with our Admissions counselors could help put you on the path to a successful new career that could change your life for the better. Call (419) 329-4075.

Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075