Nursing Students: Don’t Wait For A Waitlist Spot!

Posted On March 19,2018

Don't Wait For A Waitlist Spot!

Every day, there are thousands of individuals looking for new careers throughout Northwest Ohio. While career fields may vary, most job seekers have a few things in common; they are looking for a career that is exciting, stable, financially beneficial, and flexible for life’s demands.

Unfortunately, finding a best-fit career can be a long, tiring and seemingly hopeless process for too many. But, there’s good news. According to newly released information, nursing careers are opening up left and right for potential applicants looking to begin a new career in the medical field. Today may be the perfect opportunity to pursue a career of a lifetime as a nurse.

Help Fill The Gap

Throughout the U.S, there is presently a growing shortage of nurses across a wide range of medical care facilities. By the year 2022, it’s estimated that the shortage will grow to more than 1 million nurses nationwide. An entire generation of nurses are entering retirement after a lifetime of service, leaving the workforce flooded with vacancies that employers are ready and anxious to fill.

Locally, the growing need for nurses is a reality that hospitals are facing, too. One major area hospital reported having at least 15 nursing vacancies waiting to be filled on any given day. The statistics are similar throughout most of the region. Experienced nurses are retiring and there aren’t enough nurses entering the field to fill the positions.

No Waitlists

Fortunately, Athena Career Academy is here to help provide a solution to the looming nursing shortage, training highly qualified nurses everyday who graduate ready to jump into the roles that retiring nurses are leaving behind.

At Athena Career Academy, there are no waitlists and never a shortage of educational opportunities available to you.

There’s no better time than the present to start getting the educational training you need to begin an exciting career as a nurse here in Northwest Ohio or Michigan. At Athena Career Academy, we offer multiple nursing programs to fit your schedule, interests and needs. Our small class size and nurturing environment are perfect for any student looking for that optimal, hands-on nursing school experience. Whether you are pursuing a nursing career right out of high school, or you’re looking for a career change after being in the workforce for years, Athena Career Academy has an option that will work for you.

Start Your Career With Athena

With Practical Nurse (PN) programs and LPN to RN programs being offer with both day and evening classes, you could complete your education in as little as one year and be on your way to working in one of those numerous nursing jobs that are opening up daily. Best of all, becoming a nurse through Athena Career Academy is convenient AND affordable.

With tuition, books, uniforms and fees all included, the cost of receiving a high-quality education that works around your schedule is truly an investment into your future as a nurse in high-demand here in Ohio or Michigan.

Call Athena Career Academy today to learn more information about our Practical Nurse and LPN to RN Nursing programs. Now is the time to begin your future as a nurse in one of the nation’s fastest growing occupations.

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