A Typical Day in the Life of a Preschool Teacher
Posted On June 7,2021
Preschool teachers have a challenging but rewarding job. Every day they’re responsible for teaching the youngest students of the next generation the basic skills that will begin the foundation of their academic life. And they manage to do this while cleaning up messes, dodging flying toys, and supervising scattering children.
While preschool curriculum and environments vary, here is an example of what a day in the life of a preschool teacher might look like:
Daily Organization
Preschool teachers typically arrive about half an hour before class to set up and prepare activities. This gives teachers time to hang up projects from the previous day, sort and distribute papers into cubbies for children to take home, and prep for upcoming activities. The end of day routine after students go home is also similar.
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Shortly after the teacher arrives, parents begin dropping their students off at school. Once parents leave, everyone’s safety becomes the responsibility of the preschool teacher. Depending on the weather, the drop off process can take some time as students need to hang up their coats, take off boots, and put away backpacks. For some students, the drop off process can be difficult, as some children deal with separation anxiety so they may need a little extra attention or reassurance. In short, the morning drop-off is usually a busy and chaotic time of the day.
Circle Time
The first lesson of the day often includes a circle time. During circle time, there’s usually singing, stretching or other movement related activities. This helps to wake up sleepy children and gets them motivated to learn. Circle time may not sound important, but it’s one of the most important times of the day as singing and dancing helps develop coordination and social skills which help aid brain development.

Snack Time
Snack time begins with getting the kids to wash their hands and sit down at the table quietly. Snack time is usually an enjoyable time for the kids as they get to sit together and it’s a great opportunity for them to exchange silly stories with each other.
Playtime is the core of many preschool curriculums. While curriculum varies between schools, this could include outside play, gardening, dress up, playing games, and arts and crafts.
Lunch is often another fun and exciting part of the day for kids, but it can be tiring for a preschool teacher because you have several children that need to complete a hectic routine in a short amount of time. Many children become tired and cranky at this point in the day.
Start Your ECE Process NowThe first part of lunch usually entails rounding up all of the children and getting them to put their stuff away. Then they must wash their hands and sit down, which sounds simple enough, but not so easy when you have an entire room full of preschoolers to manage. You will likely repeat yourself several times and probably sing a song or two while going through the process with the kids.
Nap Time
Nap time can also be challenging as getting several kids to all sleep at once is not an easy task. Waking up isn’t always an easy process either. Some kids wake up easier than others.
Outside Play
After nap time, it’s time to play, and if the weather is nice, that often means time outside.
Afternoon Pick Up
Unlike tearful morning drop-offs, kids are usually excited to see their parents or caregiver.
What Next?
If a typical preschool teacher’s day sounds like something you would enjoy doing, you may be wondering how to become a preschool teacher. It’s actually a lot easier than you may think. Contact Athena Career Academy to speak with our admissions team and learn more about our accredited early childhood education program. We have flexible class schedules and a caring faculty who is invested in your success. Let’s talk about your new career today!