Teacher Confession: Why I Love Teaching Preschoolers

Posted On August 7,2019

Teacher Confession: Why I Love Teaching PreschoolersDeciding to become a preschool teacher isn’t for everyone. It takes a very special kind of person to embark on a career in early childhood education. Ideally, those who choose this career have a passion for teaching, loads of patience, compassion, and a sense of humor. 

Teachers need to be able to juggle all of the busy and chaotic demands that come from working with the smallest of students. For those brave enough to accept the challenge of a career in ECE, most find that they couldn’t even imagine ever doing anything else.

Here are 5 Reasons Why Being a Preschool Teacher is So Rewarding

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1. Students are Motivated to Learn

Unlike older students who have attended school for many years and anxiously count down the days to summer break, the majority of preschoolers, especially those with older siblings, are thrilled to finally get the chance to attend “big kid school.” This is their chance to shine, and they look forward to school with excitement, energy, and gusto!

2. Witnessing New Discoveries and Firsts

As a preschool teacher, you are constantly witnessing children exploring and discovering new skills and abilities every day. Whether it’s listening to a child read a book for the first time, or watching them master an academic or social skill they didn’t think they could tackle on their own-being a witness to so many “firsts” can be a distinct honor as an ECE teacher.

3. Making a Difference in a Child’s Life

As one of the first educators in a child’s life, those in early childhood education have a rare opportunity of making a big difference. Along with your solid, unwavering support and guidance, you will undoubtedly leave a lasting, positive impression in a young child’s mind. Helping them foster and develop a love for learning will set them up for future academic success.

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4. Fun and Creative Work Environment

Let’s face it, small children are funny and entertaining, but best of all they often think you’re funny too. Forget about working in a stuffy, serious environment where playful jokes and humorous banter are highly frowned upon. As a preschool teacher, you’ll have plenty of lighthearted, hilarious stories to share throughout the years.

In addition to being surrounded by the joyful sounds of love and laughter, preschool classrooms are brimming with items that excite and spark our creativity as well as awaken our imagination. If you’re looking for a fulfilling career, becoming an early childhood educator might be the perfect job for you. Classes are forming now, contact Athena Career Academy today to schedule a campus tour.

As a preschool teacher, you are given the unique ability to express your artistic and creative side as well, by integrating arts and crafts, into your lesson plans and tossing in a variety of other interesting materials into the mix.

How many people can honestly say that they get to work in a place full of paint, blocks and play dough everyday?

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5. Being Well Loved and Respected

While it may be more difficult to connect with older students, kids tend to have a great deal of love, respect, and admiration for their teacher. They are also eager to please and like to make their teacher proud of them, so they work hard to accomplish their goals in hopes of obtaining praise and approval, making them model students for the most part.

While teaching is a highly rewarding and fulfilling profession no matter which grade level you teach, a teacher is the true head of the class. Athena Career Academy offers a great Early Childhood Education program with a flexible class schedule. Classes are forming now, contact us today!