7 Interesting Facts About Medical Assistants

Posted On March 11,2020

Doctors, nurses, and medical assistants at a table with clipboards and laptops.

If you were to ask people what a medical assistant does, the overwhelming majority of the responses would likely be full of incorrect answers and misconceptions. Medical assistants play a crucial role in the healthcare industry, so why then aren’t more people familiar with this hidden gem of a medical career?

Here are 7 interesting facts you likely haven’t heard about medical assistants:

1. It’s a Stand-Alone Career

Some people may be under the impression that medical assisting is just a starting point, like a stepping stone into other medical careers, but that’s simply not the case. While it’s true that some people may advance or move on to other jobs in the healthcare field, medical assisting is very much a career choice that you can be proud to remain in for years to come, if not your entire career.

2. Endless Specialty Options

One of the greatest aspects about working as a medical assistant is the number of choices when it comes to picking a specialty. Medical assistants work with every kind of physician you can possibly imagine, so whether you’re interested in pediatrics, obstetrics, orthopedics, surgery, or another specialty, there is something for everyone.

3. Constantly Changing Field

The healthcare industry is constantly changing and evolving, giving MAs many opportunities to adapt and learn new skills to keep up with the changes.

4. No Diapers or Bedpans

Of course, this isn’t always the case, and some MAs may still perform this task, but many MAs are trained to work in physician offices and ambulatory care instead of long-term facilities. MAs may still find themselves working in messy environments, including dealing with blood and other bodily fluids, but they rarely have to bathe, dress, or change diapers when caring for patients.

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5. They Work Under an MD

Medical assistants work directly under medical doctors, so they are under an MD’s supervision. This is different than a nurse who works under their own license. This means that an MA can perform any duties their physician has trained them to do, including ECG’s, removing stitches, collecting blood from patients, and the like.

6. They are Highly Respected

Unlike other healthcare professionals who may get overshadowed by the presence of a physician, medical assistants are considered a valuable member of the team and are highly respected by both doctors, nurses, and patients alike. Most doctors appreciate the hard work of an MA and realize that they need their help in order to provide quality care to their patients. Work life for nurses and physicians would be very complicated without MAs, and they know it.

7. Certification and Education Matters

While it may be possible for some medical assistants to only have a high school diploma or GED and receive on the job training, the vast majority of healthcare employers are looking for candidates who have already received proper medical assistant training with certification prior to hiring.

How to Become a Medical Assistant

The good news is the training and education required to become a medical assistant is a relatively short and painless process compared to other healthcare careers. This allows prospective students a unique opportunity to get started on their new career much sooner than they ever dreamed possible.

There are some basic admission requirements that must be met prior to starting the program, so don’t delay. Contact Athena Career Academy to get the process started. We offer flexible class schedules, part-time and full-time schooling, and there’s no wait list! Let’s talk about your new career today!

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