5 Benefits of Medical Assistant Career Advancement

Posted On November 1,2018

5 Benefits of Medical Assistant Career Advancement

It takes quite a bit of time, energy, and determination to become a medical assistant. The career path is fairly short however it involves a lot of studying and practical experience. Taking the first step towards becoming a medical assistant may seem daunting to many people.

Still, it is a career that provides many rewards to those who make the grade. In short, the benefits of embarking on a medical assistant career are varied but can enrich one’s life significantly. Here are five of the most notable ones:

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Financial Benefits

First and foremost, it should be noted that a medical assistant career is a fast track start to a financially stable life. Medical assistants earn substantially more than their peers in the retail, manufacturing and other service industry professions. In addition, as you add to your educational credentials and your practical experience, you will be rewarded with more responsibility and a salary boost with your expertise.

Personal Enrichment

Most people – no matter where they start in the medical field– enter it to help people to some degree. In fact, being a medical assistant can be as personally rewarding in this regard as it is for a heart surgeon. In many cases, it is even more so as a medical assistant has far more daily contact with patients than a surgeon does. 

Educational Benefits

Not every student is lucky enough to have parents who can foot the entire bill for their undergraduate career. Instead, most students will have to work to some extent while also pursuing their medical assistant degree. Nevertheless, it is possible – to some degree – to accomplish both of these tasks simultaneously.

Esteem of Your Coworkers

Being a medical assistant takes a special kind of person. There are all sorts of unpalatable tasks that must be undertaken and accomplished. Still, if done right and done on time, the best medical assistants will garner the respect of not only their peers but also of the nurses and doctors that they serve with.

Better Job Security

Advancing past the entry-level stages of a medical assistant position is also extremely valuable as it increases your value to the healthcare organization. Lower-level positions are far more likely to be eliminated in a down market. Similarly, more knowledgeable employees will almost always be retained over less educated ones.

There are a number of significant benefits to becoming a medical assistant. For more information on them, please contact us at the Athena Career Academy. We can be found online at AthenaCareers.edu or reached directly by phone at 419.329.4075.

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