Why Young Students Need a Teacher Like You
Posted On October 15,2021
Why should you become a teacher? As they say, it’s not just a job, it’s an adventure! Teaching young children is never dull – they are always moving, growing, and changing, and no day is ever quite like the one before. It is a unique and exciting time in a child’s development, and preschool-aged children are always eager to learn. While working as an early childhood educator is challenging, it is one of the most rewarding careers you can have.
Are you the perfect candidate for a career as an early childhood teacher? Take this quick quiz and find out!
1. Do You Jump Headfirst Into Every Day, Ready To Learn Or Try Something New?
Kids love learning from someone as curious about the world as they are. If you are a passionate, eager learner yourself, teaching may be an excellent career for you.
Learn More about Our ECE Program2. Are You The “Cool” Adult That All The Kids Flock To At Every Event You Attend?
Young children love to be around people who “get” them. They can tell if an adult enjoys their company and they tend to gravitate towards those kind of people.
3. Are You Calm And Capable Of Creating Order When Things Get Chaotic And Unpredictable?
It’s great to be spontaneous and passionate, but things can get crazy in a hurry when young children are involved. They crave the presence and leadership of an adult who can instill order and return a sense of calm so they can feel safe and cared for. If you have this particular skill, you are a prime candidate for an early childhood education (ECE) career.
4. When A Child Cries Or Throws A Tantrum, What Do You Do?
If you see that a child acting out needs compassion and an extra helping of TLC, and you are ready, willing, and able to give it, you should definitely consider becoming a teacher. Children need more people like you in their lives.

5. How Do You Feel About Your Clothes Getting Dirty Making Mud Pies Or From A Paint-Covered 4-Year-Old’s Hug?
If you consider the dirt and the paint as a badge of honor, apply now. Teaching is an excellent job for you!
6. How Many Times Can You Re-Read Goodnight Moon And Chicka Chicka Boom Boom In One Sitting?
If these are two of your favorite stories and you can read them over and over, every single day without getting bored, you’ve got what it takes to become an early childhood teacher.
Start Your ECE Process NowDo you long to see a child’s eyes light up in wonder when you give them worms to hold, watch a butterfly take off from its chrysalis, or watch the chicks hatch from the eggs? If you answered yes to even just a few of these questions, you are a great candidate for becoming a teacher! Want to get started on your adventure now? We have a great ECE program taught by caring faculty who are invested in your success from day one. It’s easy to pursue a new career with flexible class schedules and no wait list to enroll. Contact Athena Career Academy for a campus tour today.