What to Expect: Taking the State LPN Exam (NCLEX-PN)
Posted On July 29,2019
You’ve finished classes and graduated. Now what? In order to become a nurse in the U.S, you will need to get your nursing license. This means you must pass the National NCLEX-PN Nursing Board Exam. It proves you’re ready for a high level of patient responsibility.
The thought of taking another test, let alone one that can make or break the career you’ve worked so hard for, can frighten a future LPN. But, it doesn’t have to be that scary. Knowing exactly what the NCLEX-PN is and what to expect can help ease the tension heading into exam day.
What is the NCLEX-PN Exam?
The State Board of Nursing oversees and administers The National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN exam.)
This test ensures you have the basic understanding and knowledge of nursing practice. It covers topics such as healthcare safety, along with social and physiological integrity.
The test focuses on four specific areas of nursing practice. It is all about meeting a patient’s needs. The first area covers maintaining hygiene and controlling infections while providing a safe care environment. The next is promoting and maintaining good health as preventive healthcare. Mental health and managing stress follows. Then, finally, come questions on your ability to provide proper nursing care. This is the most important part of the NCLEX-PN and will make up more than half of the test.
Types of Questions
The NCLEX-PN is made up of 85 to 205 questions. The vast majority of the questions are multiple choice. A small percentage of questions can range from fill-in-the-blank to multiple responses.
There are three levels of questions. Level 1 is general nursing knowledge. Analysis and application are covered in Level 2. Level 3 is typically full of open-ended questions where you need to apply facts, rules, and nursing processes in order to answer them. Most of the exam is made up of level 2 and 3 questions.
Learn More about Athena's Nursing ProgramTaking the NCLEX-PN
Hopeful LPN grads take the NCLEX-PN at a regional Pearson Center. It is taken electronically. You will have six hours to complete it. However, optional breaks are built in after a couple of hours.
The exam ends after you have either answered all of the questions, used up your time, demonstrated minimum competency and answered at least 85 questions or demonstrated a lack of minimum competency after answering 85 questions.
The test is pass/fail. This means there is not a certain number of questions you must get correct. Instead, you pass depending on how successfully you meet predetermined standards.
How to Apply for the NCLEX-PN
A prospective LPN needs permission from the State Licensing Board to take the NCLEX. You must submit an application along with proof that you have completed nursing school. You will also be required to pay a $200 fee before being authorized to take the test. You can register online at vue.com/nclex or by calling 1-866-49-NCLEX.
Athena Career Academy has full approval by the Ohio Board of Nursing for our program. Students who graduate from our Licensed Practical Nursing program are well prepared to take and pass the National NCLEX-PN Nursing Board Exam. If you are ready for a career in nursing, contact Athena today.