What is the Easiest Way to Become a Teacher?

Posted On January 5,2022

You might think that becoming a teacher takes years of schooling, but that’s not always the case. Earning your degree in early childhood education (ECE) is one of the many pathways you can take towards landing a rewarding and prosperous career in the education field. Enrolling in a great program is the easiest and fastest way to land your dream job in early childhood education.

Very small child holding her hand up while fingerpainting. Young child has colorful paint all over her open hand.

Attend a High Quality ECE Program

The first step in your ECE journey is to enroll in a reputable, high quality early childhood education program. You want to find a school with an accredited program because attending an accredited program is reassurance to future employers and your community that the program you attend is of the highest quality. It also demonstrates your commitment to the profession of education. 

Another benefit of attending an accredited program is accreditation means the program must adhere to certain quality standards to maintain its accreditation. This gives you confidence and assurance that you’re investing in a quality early education program from a credible school. 

In addition to finding out if the school is accredited, it’s important to ask some additional questions to ensure the ECE program you choose is the right fit before enrolling. Find out if they offer flexible class options such as day or evening classes, how long it takes to complete the program, and if they offer any student services, like career placement assistance or financial aid. 

Eligible Career Paths to Explore 

After earning your degree in early childhood education, you’ll be eligible to explore some very exciting career opportunities. If you don’t want to teach in a traditional classroom setting, rest assured there are plenty of other amazing career options to consider, like becoming a teacher’s assistant; becoming a family support or early intervention specialist; owning and operating your own childcare business; or working in a childcare center as an administrator or lead teacher. Whatever career path you decide to take is completely up to you. The possibilities are nearly endless. 

Get on the Fast track to a rewarding teaching career in early Childhood Education

Benefits of Being a Preschool Teacher 

If you’re still on the fence about whether a career in education is right for you, here are just a few of the many benefits of being a preschool teacher: 

Job Security 

The job outlook for ECE educators remains strong because these types of teachers are critical to the development of early learners. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that early childhood special education teachers can expect a growth of eight percent or higher until 2026, while preschool teachers can expect a growth of ten percent, making the decision to invest in ECE a smart choice for your future. 

Family Friendly Schedule 

Another benefit to being a preschool teacher is getting extra vacation days. Teachers get more days off than other professionals, including many holidays and vacation periods like having summers off. Most teachers work shorter daytime hours than other professionals, giving you more time to spend with friends and family. 

Exciting Work Environment 

If sitting at a desk all day doesn’t appeal to you, then being a preschool teacher surely will. Preschool teachers get to move freely about the room as they stretch, dance, and sing with their students. Having fun and being creative is part of the job. 

Start Your ECE Process Now

Ready to Get Started? 

While going back to school may seem overwhelming at first, don’t let the fear stop you from achieving your goals. You can do this, and Athena Career Academy can help! Contact us today for more information on how you can earn your degree in early childhood education.