The Connection Between Nursing and Psychology

Posted On September 15,2015

You’re More Than Just a Nurse: The Link Between Psychology and Nursing

The job description of a nurse is intense. Treating the sick and injured; completing and filing paperwork; assisting doctors with patient diagnoses and treatment plans; and providing follow-up care are only a few broad job descriptions that nurses must contend with on a daily basis. But, another extremely important, yet often overlooked, job requirement for nurses is the responsibility of caring for the emotional needs of patients and their families, and offering them the advice they need to make some very difficult decisions at times. When you work in the nursing field, you’re never “just a nurse.” Everyday, you must apply psychologyto your work to truly help the patients you serve.

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The Connection Between Nursing and Psychology

For those who choose to enter into the specialty of psychiatric nursing, the daily role that psychology plays into nursing is rather obvious. These patients require treatment of various forms for physical and/or mental health issues. Over the years, studies have shown time and time again that there is a direct connection between physical and mental health, and that each plays an important role in health of the other.

But for those nurses choosing to work in other areas of healthcare, having a strong understanding of psychology, and how to practically apply it, remains just as crucial for job success. Here’s why:

  • Nurses must be able to practically understand human emotional reactions and the effects of serious physical illnesses, and how the two impact each other.
  • Patients can be difficult to deal with. Sick and injured individuals are often angry, stubborn, uncooperative, and lonely; all of these can impede the health treatment and recovery processes.
  • Patients often need some motivation to stay mentally and physically strong in the midst of serious illness or injury. The atmosphere at hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and other places can be somewhat depressing at times. This encouragement can greatly improve a patient’s overall recovery process.
  • Nurses are one important piece of a complex puzzle when it comes to healthcare. Having strong interpersonal communication skills, understanding the complexities of non-verbal communication, and just having a strong sense of how others are feeling can improve a nurse’s leadership skills, and the working environment in which he/she is in.
  • Psychology helps nurses stay organized and focused in the fast-paced environment of a medical care facility. When you understand how to effectively handle your emotions, and keep a healthy perspective while working in an often stressful medical care environment, it can help you avoid distractions, and be more productive at work. As a nurse, your patients depend on you and the care you provide while they’re in a somewhat vulnerable place.

You don’t have to be a psychologist to understand the importance of psychology in our daily lives. As a nurse, being able to understand how your patients are thinking and feeling about their illnesses, injuries, treatment plans, and recovery efforts can help you excel at your job and in your ability to impact the lives of those you’re serving. Treating your patients’ physical needs is truly only one part of your job as a nurse. When you take the time to care about your patients’ mental and emotional needs, your efforts may be just the thing to spur on their healing and recovery process.

Start Your Journey Now

Everyday, Athena Career Academy is working to produce high quality, competent nurses who will impact lives through work in the medical field. Call 419-329-4075 today and get started on a life changing career path in nursing.

Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075