The Advantages of Becoming a PN vs RN

Posted On April 24,2017


Being a nurse has many benefits that other professions cannot offer. It offers rare opportunities not readily measured and is more than just paychecks and benefit packages. There are also many options in the nursing field that you won’t find in average careers, the biggest one is becoming a Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse.

The Advantages of Becoming a PN vs. RN

Deciding between becoming a Practical Nurse versus a Registered Nurse will have you comparing several differences. The biggest and the most likely, first difference you will discover is the amount of education required between the two. Depending on the degree you choose, becoming a Registered Nurse can take 18 to 36 months, Practical Nurse (PN) education can be completed in as little as 12 months. Deciding between these two careers can be difficult. Knowing which is right for you depend on your interests, skills, and career goals. Many choose the path of the PN for excellent reasons.

Exciting Employment Growth

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the availability of PN jobs will increase by 16 percent through the year 2024. The standard growth rate in other occupations is at 7 percent, which means PNs will find more opportunities after gaining their education. Facilities that will have the highest need for PNs are home health environments for the elderly and residential care facilities.

Further Education While Working

Skills of a nurse continue to grow the more they work. As an PN you will find your career is growing and so can your goals. If you later decide you would like to pursue the Registered Nurse field, you can continue with the education program to fulfill those requirements. One big reason many choose this option in their career are the earning opportunities. A Registered Nurse is predicted to make more than $67,000 a year, while a Practical Nurse will earn just over $43,000.

Quicker Workforce Entry

To become a Registered Nurse will require approximately four years of education. As a Practical Nurse, you will only need about 12 months of school. The difference in training times means, you can enter the workforce quicker and begin experiencing the world of nursing sooner. You can start building your exposure to the field three years before that of a Registered Nurse.

Abundant Entry-Level Positions

There is an abundance of entry-level positions available to PNs. Studies show there is a lot of opportunities waiting for you to attain your dream job as soon as you earn your Practical Nursing Diploma. With your diploma, you can begin patient care in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, or other medical care facilities.

Athena Career Academy can start you on your path to becoming a Practical Nurse. You can begin the career you deserve and the work you will love in as little as one year after entering the program. This program will train and prepare you to enter a career which is high in demand.

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