Teaching Preschool Might be the Perfect Career for You

Posted On October 20,2020

If you love being around children, whether it’s your own or other people’s children, and have considered becoming a preschool teacher, you’re not alone! Careers in early childhood education are a popular choice because of the stability and variety they offer. 

Preschool teacher showing students a globe.

Despite frequently daydreaming about a career in teaching, you’re still unsure if you’re ready to commit quite yet. Sound familiar?

If you’re on the fence about whether or not a career in early education is right for you, a little research will give you a better look into the life of a preschool teacher, and whether it’s the right fit for you or not.

You Love the Idea of Working with Children

It goes without saying that you shouldn’t explore a career as a preschool teacher if you don’t enjoy being around children. If you’re fascinated by kids and find joy in being around them as they learn and develop new skills, then you’re on the right career path.

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Patience Really is a Virtue

You certainly don’t have to be the most patient person in the world to be a great preschool teacher, but it definitely helps. Having a certain amount of patience is necessary when working with children, especially at the preschool level. Kids can test your patience, but an effective preschool teacher knows how to stay calm and collected, even when things aren’t going as planned.

You are an Optimistic and Positive Person

Much like adults, children respond much more positively to happy, optimistic people. Children are looking for you to be a positive role model and leader, and that’s difficult to do if you tend to have a chronically negative attitude.

You’re Comfortable Setting Rules and Boundaries

Being a preschool teacher isn’t all fun and games. When students are misbehaving, a good preschool teacher knows how to act swiftly and take control before they lose order of the classroom.

Creativity is Something that Inspires You

The more creativity an early childhood education teacher can bring to the classroom, the more they will motivate and inspire their young students to want to learn and participate in activities.

You Like to Have Fun and Aren’t Afraid to be Silly

Preschool teachers get the unique opportunity to tap into their childhood again. How many other professions can you think of that allow you to paint, or create things out of playdough? Careers in early childhood education are entertaining and exciting and allow adults the rare chance to step outside of a stuffy office environment and back into a world of silly, fun, and make believe again.

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You Know How to Effectively Communicate

Strong communication skills are a must, as you’ll be in constant communication with parents to keep them informed of their child’s progress and behavior.

You Know When to Offer Support and Encouragement

A good preschool teacher should be encouraging and caring. Children learn best when they feel supported. Often, it is during these early years of school that kids become addicted to learning new things, and their teacher will have a big impact on how they view education down the road.

You Have a Passion for Teaching Others

It’s often said that deciding to teach is a calling instead of just a job. If you can’t imagine doing anything else, then you owe it to yourself and your future students to set this goal and see it through. Our accredited ECE program will prepare you for a successful career in teaching. Contact Athena Career Academy today for more information about our flexible class schedules and no wait list!

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