Succeeding as a Medical Assistant in 2022

Posted On June 10,2022

Medical assistants play a vital role in healthcare settings and are often described as the glue that bonds a well run medical practice together. They are the front lines in physician’s offices and urgent care centers. Medical assistants are unique as they’re trained to handle both administrative and clinical tasks, making them an irreplaceable member of the team. 

The demand for MA’s continues to increase at a rapid rate, so right now is the perfect time to begin your training to become a medical assistant. Training to become a medical assistant is relatively short in comparison to other healthcare careers, with many programs are designed to be completed in one year or less.

Medical assistant helping an elderly patient.

Enrolling in a quality program is crucial in teaching you everything you need to know to be successful in this fast-paced career. Not all training programs are created equal, so careful research must be done to ensure you’re choosing a high-quality education from an accredited school. 

In addition to choosing a quality MA program, developing a certain skill set can help you meet and exceed expectations in your new career. Here are some tips to help you impress and thrive as a new MA.

Arrive Early

Arriving at work 10-15 minutes early allows you to get organized and prepared for the day. Punctuality is an important skill that successful MAs possess. In addition to arriving at work early each day, you should strive to complete tasks in a timely manner, such as greeting patients right away, submitting patient files to professionals, and keeping patient appointments on time. 

Know Your Provider 

It won’t take long to familiarize yourself with your provider after working closely with them daily. Getting to know your provider helps maintain an efficient workflow. Being able to predict your provider’s next move allows you to complete tasks ahead of time and stay on schedule. Anticipating their needs will keep you one step ahead of your to-do list.

Be Self-Sufficient 

Instead of waiting to be told what to do, successful MAs know how to take the initiative and get things done on their own. Anticipating needs is an important skill to develop. For example, to ensure the physician has everything they need for an exam, ask yourself questions, like: what is the patient here for? Should I collect samples now? What tests might be ordered? 

Learn from Your Coworkers 

Experienced medical assistants have a wealth of valuable information that can help you succeed. Get to know your fellow MAs and coworkers and learn as much as possible from them.  Take notes, study their workflow, ask questions, and most importantly, be a team player. 

Take Advantage of Learning Opportunities 

Successful MAs are those who jump at the chance to learn something new. If presented with an opportunity to learn a new skill or procedure, go for it! Learning new skills on the job is an excellent way to prove how dedicated and motivated you are to learning everything you can about the profession. It might even help you advance your career. 

Get on the Fast track to becoming a Medical Assistant

Maintain a Positive Attitude 

Patients and even some coworkers can be difficult to work with, so maintaining a cheerful, positive attitude will help you succeed in this fast-paced and sometimes stressful work environment. Don’t let one upset person ruin your day. Instead take a deep breath and take things one step at a time. You have the power to carry the mood, so make sure you’re positive no matter what you face during your workday.

Want to Learn More? 

Are you ready to start the process to become a medical assistant? Athena Career Academy has been helping students achieve successful and prosperous careers in the healthcare field for years. Call us today to learn more about our accredited CMA program and to set up a campus tour!