Should I Go to Nursing School in Ohio or Michigan?

Posted On March 18,2016

If you are on the fence between attending nursing school in Ohio or Michigan you may be wondering what your options are. There are a number of reasons that students on both sides of the state line can benefit from attending school in Ohio including the lower tuition rates, faster enrollment times, and easy access. 

Wait Lists
Right now there are huge wait lists for students to attend nursing school in Michigan. This has been caused by a sudden increase in the number of students applying for acceptance to those schools. In some cases those wait lists have reached more than year in length, meaning that you can’t even begin working toward your future for another full year. This is a year of low wages and waiting around to find out when you can start, and a lot can happen in that time. 

Nursing School in Ohio - Athena Career AcademyTuition Rates
Since demand for nursing school has skyrocketed in Michigan, many of those schools have responded by raising their tuition rates. In some cases this means that you can expect to pay $3-5000 more for your education in Michigan than you will in Ohio. Attending school in Ohio will allow you to get in ahead of students in Michigan and take advantage of lower rates.  

The location of the Athena Career Academy campus allows many students to easily commute to the campus each day, majority of students from Michigan carpool together. This makes it easy to take advantage of the Ohio nursing school tuition and enrollment times without having to worry about living out of state. 

If you are ready to get started toward a new career today and you have set aside the time to fill out the application and attend classes, getting placed on a wait list can be highly discouraging. The key to success is keeping momentum up while you are ready to go for it. If you wait too long to get into a school you may not be able to find the time to attend classes, or your job situation could change and make it harder to afford schooling. Choosing to attend nursing school in Ohio today rather than in Michigan a year from now is really a great way to act on your goals and achieve something great now instead of later. 

There are many reasons that students choose to attend school in Ohio, but the lower tuition rates and the faster graduation times are the most important. For every day that you sit around waiting to begin classes in Michigan you are losing out on potential wages that you could have been making in a solid career. In addition, life events and market conditions can change drastically over the course of twelve months, meaning the classes and jobs that you were most looking forward to may not be available if you wait too long. Ohio nursing schools have kept their wait lists shorter than those in Michigan and ensured that school is affordable for anyone who is willing to make the commute to their campus. When you compare your options side by side, Ohio provides many advantages over Michigan for your educational experience and new career path. 

Start Your Journey Now

To learn more about a career as a Practical Nurse, and whether it’s the right fit for you, schedule an appointment with Athena Career Academy today. One meeting with our Admissions counselors could help put you on the path to a successful new career that could change your life for the better. 

Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075