Online or In-Person Early Childhood Education Program
Posted On April 12,2021
Options in online learning continue to increase with more people than ever choosing to further their education through distance learning. Online learning includes learning over the internet, while in-person training is a more traditional experience in an actual classroom setting. While online learning is growing in popularity, that doesn’t mean that it’s the best choice for everyone.
If you’re interested in going to school to pursue a degree in early childhood education, there are several amazing benefits to learning in-person in a traditional classroom setting that shouldn’t be overlooked or worse, underestimated.
In-Person Learning is More Active
On-campus learning provides a more active, hands-on learning approach than online learning. It’s much easier to become detached and isolated with distance learning as you don’t have the same level of support and camaraderie that you get from attending in-person classes with fellow classmates. Plus, in-person classes hold students accountable for remaining active and engaged during class time.
Provides a More Hands-On Experience
Not all students learn the same way. Some people are visual learners, some take detailed notes, and some learn best from direct, first-hand experience which on-campus learning provides. In addition, some disciplines actually require hands-on experience, such as learning how to perform a medical procedure or repairing a machine.
Learn More about Our Early Childhood Education ProgramProvides Face to Face Interaction
In a traditional classroom setting on-campus, students can connect in real-time. In person learning provides greater opportunities for group activities, developing friendships, and interactive projects. Face to face interaction also offers more networking opportunities than online learning. If you’re a person who benefits by working with others, then in-person class will be a great fit.
Students Feel More Connected to the Professor
It’s much easier to form a relationship with a professor when you see them regularly in class, versus only corresponding via email with distance learning. Teachers are a great support and resource for students, and many of them even become future references.
You Can Ask Questions and Get an Immediate Response
One of the added benefits of attending class in-person is the ability to ask questions and get an immediate response. One of the major drawbacks of distance learning is having to wait for a response from your instructor if you’re unsure about something or stuck on a concept or assignment. It may take a while to get an answer, depending on how busy they are.

Less Technical Issues to Worry About
Slow web connections or older computers can make accessing course materials frustrating, or even impossible at times. For those individuals who aren’t exactly tech savvy, online distance learning can be a confusing and cumbersome experience.
It’s Easier to Stay Motivated in a Classroom Setting
A successful education depends on self-discipline and concentration. In-person classes that take place on-campus provide a distraction-free learning environment with all of the tools and space you need, so you can focus on the lessons. For those who struggle with self-motivation, staying on task with distance learning can become a problem. For example, with online learning, it’s up to you to stay disciplined and get your work completed on time, which can be tough sometimes if you have distractions at home to contend with.
Ready to Earn Your ECE Degree In-Person?
While virtual learning is growing in popularity, traditional on-campus classes offer many additional benefits that are too important to ignore. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in early childhood education, contact Athena Career Academy for more information about their incredible in-person ECE program.
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