Mistakes to Avoid on Your Nursing School Application

Posted On October 25,2016

Toledo OH is an excellent place to attend nursing school, but there are several hurdles to overcome first. Potential nursing students need to make their applications and pitches flawless if they want to stand out from the crowd of applicants. Here are some tips to ensure that your application is devoid of any red flags.

Prepare to Be Interviewed

Mistake to Avoid on Your Nursing School ApplicationMany schools have adopted a system where they no longer ask for essays in the application, but want to schedule an in-person interview. While this can be intimidating for some, it can be a boon for those that may not be the strongest writers.

This not only offers advantages to non-writers, but to any potential student that wants to better understand the school. By being on campus and speaking with real instructors, you will have a far better understanding of what life at nursing school will be like. But what should you do for you interview?

  • Be punctual. Nothing sends a worse message than arriving late for your interview, so try to be a few minutes early. This will show that you really want to be accepted.
  • Dress appropriately. Business casual is the style that most schools are looking for. You want to appear professional, but not flashy.
  • Leave the non-essentials. A small bag is typically okay, but you want to keep your hands free and eyes on the interviewer. This will show that you are attentive.

Submit Early

Many schools will offer early responses to those that submit their applications before a certain date, so try to complete your application as soon as possible. It is important that you gather up any potential information that you may need like references, resumes or essays long before the due date for applications.

If you are submitting your application early, the university will have plenty of slots open and will know that you are taking this seriously. Sliding in at the last second is not an automatic rejection, but it certainly is not going to work in your favor.

Study for Entrance Exams

Nursing schools are competitive, especially in the Toledo OH area. That is why they will often require you to take an entrance exam after submitting your application. Know which exam that you will need to take, then focus on your weak spots.

If you know that the exam will cover mathematics but you have always struggled with math, then you know what to study for. Focus on your weakest areas when preparing for an exam, as this will bring up your overall score significantly. When you feel that you are ready, you will be able to find practice tests online to give you an idea of how you will do on the real exam.


Being accepted as a nursing student is a big accomplishment, but it does not come without hard work. Use these tips to gain acceptance to your Toledo OH nursing institution of choice.

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