Medical Assistants are Glad They Chose a Career in Healthcare

Posted On February 26,2021


If you’re passionate about helping people and are looking for a highly rewarding and enjoyable career in the healthcare field, then becoming a medical assistant might be exactly the type of opportunity you’ve been looking for.  

Start your CMA

Job Security

If you’re concerned about job security, then the healthcare industry is a smart choice. As a healthcare professional, you’ll be able to find more employment opportunities than job seekers in other industries. Becoming a medical assistant also means that your chances of staying employed are also much greater than other professions, as there will always be a great demand for medical assistants.

Job Growth

The healthcare industry is exploding, and medical assisting is no exception. This unique occupation is growing at a rate much faster than any other. As the baby boomer generation ages, they’ll need more preventative medical services, making careers like medical assisting stable for many years to come.

Get on the Fast track to becoming a Medical Assistant

Short Training Program

The medical assisting program is a fast track path to a great career, especially compared to most other healthcare professions. Most MA programs can be completed in one year or less. For students who need to jumpstart their career quickly, becoming a medical assistant is one of the fastest ways to enter into the healthcare industry.

Excellent Pay and Benefits

Choosing an industry that’s highly in demand comes with additional perks, like good pay and benefits. In comparison to other professional industries, jobs in the healthcare field have a higher earning potential. Medical assistants have the ability to earn great pay and benefits, including medical and dental insurance, retirement plans, vacation time and sick pay.


Another compelling reason to consider becoming a medical assistant is flexibility. Careers in healthcare offer a variety of work settings and schedules. Whether you wish to work traditional office hours, evenings or weekends, or a combination of both, you can choose to work unique hours that more closely align with what you want instead of being limited to a specific time frame or work setting.

Career Satisfaction

One of the biggest perks to becoming a medical assistant, is career satisfaction. This isn’t just a job, but rather a fulfilling career that you can feel proud of. As a medical assistant, you’ll learn a variety of important skills ranging from administrative to clinical. These versatile skills give you plenty of exciting career opportunities to choose from, whether you want to work in an office setting, or work directly with patients.

Medical assisting is an exciting, fast paced career that almost guarantees you’ll never become bored. Plus, medical assistants work in a variety of work environments, such as hospitals, physician offices, in-home care, long term care facilities, etc. When it comes to job duties and work settings, the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking for a career that’s constantly evolving, you’ll find that becoming a medical assistant is a highly satisfying career.

Ability to Make a Difference

Along with the desire to make more money and have job security, most people cite the ability to make a difference as the number one factor that influences their career decision. No other industry allows you to touch lives and make a difference like the healthcare industry. Becoming a medical assistant will fill that desire to make an impact.

Is a Career in Healthcare Right for You?

With perks like these, it’s easy to see why so many people choose to work in the healthcare industry. If you’re interested in becoming a medical assistant and taking advantage of all that this amazing career has to offer, contact Athena Career Academy today.