Medical Assistant Specialties You Can Pursue After Certification

Posted On May 12,2022

Medical assisting is trending as one of the hottest, most in demand careers in the healthcare industry today. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), it’s estimated that employment for MAs will increase by 18% from 2020 to 2030, far above the national average for all other occupations. Medical assistants work alongside physicians, performing a wide range of clinical and administrative tasks. They often work in physician’s offices and clinics, but are also commonly employed in hospitals, outpatient care centers, retirement facilities, specialty clinics and more.

Medical team of medical assistants and doctors.

While pursuing a career in medical assisting may lead to an entry level job, you can advance your career by getting certified and opting for medical assistant specialization in areas of medicine that interest you. 


Cardiology is a perfect specialization for MAs interested in diseases and abnormalities of the heart and blood vessels. MAs will assist with testing through phlebotomy, cardiac imaging, electrocardiography (EKG), and cardiac stress tests under the supervision of a physician. 

To prepare the patient for a cardiovascular examination by the physician, the MA must record vital signs including blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate, temperature, height, weight, and cardiovascular history. They must also verify medications, gather a brief medical history, and identify any underlying risk factors. 


Pediatrics is a great fit for MAs who enjoy working and interacting with kids. Pediatrics is a medical specialty that involves the care of children ages birth through 18. Pediatric MAs work closely with pediatricians to monitor a child’s development. They’re responsible for preparing the young patients for exams and documenting the information from their visit. 

As the child grows, the MA is responsible for documenting the history of childhood diseases, immunizations, and nutritional status. The MA also obtains and records measurements and vital signs during each visit. Weight is an important measurement tool when examining a pediatric patient as it helps assess the child’s nutritional status and determines the proper medication dosage. 


Orthopedics is a medical specialty focusing on the correction of deformities of a patient’s bones and muscles, including sports related injuries. MAs assist the physician in the performance of diagnostic procedures, including the assessment of structure and function, movement, and pain. They also conduct patient interviews to better understand the events that occurred, including any circumstances that led the patient to seek orthopedic help for their bones and muscles. 


Neurology is the medical specialty that diagnoses and treats patients with abnormalities of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The MA will assist in examining the patient’s nervous system. They may also assist with radiologic tests, electrical tests, and lumbar punctures, also known as spinal taps. 

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Want to Learn More About Medical Assistant Specialties? 

Interested in becoming a medical assistant and delving into a specialty but aren’t sure where to start? Athena Career Academy can help you achieve your goals by offering the best training designed to set you up for a successful medical assisting career. Contact us today to learn more about our programs or to schedule a campus tour.