LPNs Can Make Themselves Stronger Candidates to Potential Employers

Posted On August 28,2019

LPNs Can Make Themselves Stronger Candidates to Potential Employers

For those seeking employment in the nursing field, the path you’ll take to land that perfect dream job may be a long and winding one. Although the job outlook is very promising for an LPN, the competition is high, making it imperative to put your very best self out there while seeking an employment opportunity.

In an ideal situation, it would be incredibly helpful to know for certain which specific qualities, attributes, and experience a potential employer is looking for, but unfortunately it doesn’t exactly work that way.

However, there are certain things an LPN can do to strengthen their candidacy for the job by standing out above the rest of the competition:

1. Put Your Best Self Forward

When seeking employment, it’s always a wise decision to put your best self forward. In most cases, you only get one chance to make a positive, meaningful first impression, so your goal is to impress your potential employer. During the interview, make sure to give it your all, such as dressing to impress, making eye contact, firm handshake, etc. You want them to remember you as someone who demonstrates leadership, confidence, and ability, but most importantly, remember to also stay true to yourself as well. If you have a friendly, outgoing personality, then by all means, feel free to let that shine through.

2. Be an Active Participant

You love nursing, so why not get active by joining professional nursing associations? Professional associations help build a nursing community, and through a community, you are able to network, keep up to date on current knowledge and information, learn the latest trends, and most of all, gain valuable support from your peers and mentors. Plus, networking can be a very effective tool in discovering new career opportunities and obtaining interviews.

By joining professional nursing associations, you are demonstrating your love, passion, and commitment to the industry.

3. Expand Your Skill Set

The healthcare field is constantly changing and evolving, so cultivating and expanding your skill set is a must if you want to continue to advance in your career. Continuing education is always a smart investment in your future.

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As mentioned above, joining various organizations, professional nursing associations, clubs, taking additional classes, or attending seminars is a great way to stand out. Volunteer opportunities are a good idea too, and can help expand your current level of knowledge and skills as well as introduce you to people already established in the industry who will hopefully take notice of your motivation and willingness to get involved.

While searching for a new job can be one of life’s most stressful events, keep your head held high and continue to work towards your goals. With a little patience and perseverance, you’ll be one step closer to landing the LPN job of your dreams. If Nursing seems like something you’d enjoy doing, contact Athena Career Academy. Class schedules are flexible and there’s no wait list! Schedule a campus tour now!

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