It Is Never Too Late to Enroll in the RN Program

Posted On January 12,2017

bigstock-African-American-Nurse-Smiling-24532349.jpgThe days of selecting a profession in your early twenties and spending decades with a single company are a thing of the past. These days it is important to find a profession in which there will be both loyalty and job stability. Part of the reason for this is that as you grow older, your interests and ambitions often change.

Recognize When It’s Time for a Change

It’s said that most people change their career three times throughout their career on average. One very common career change that many people consider or eventually make is to become a nurse. Enrolling in an RN program to become a nurse is one of the best career choices that anyone can make. However, many people often hesitate to make the choice to become a nurse out of the fear that it is too late for them.

Is it Ever Too Late?

The truth is that it is never too late to enroll in an RN program. Take the convenience factor for example. Many adults are currently bogged down by having to maintain their current career while pursuing an education to make a career switch. These days there are countless RN programs that allow you to pursue your education on your own time, at your own convenience online. That means that having to juggle your current work schedule with your school responsibilities is no problem.

Factors Holding you Back

If you are considering making a career change, there are several fears you may have. Having to return to college to switch your profession may be one of them. They fear that it will be too hard. The truth is that nursing school is challenging no matter how old you are. The content of the materials is demanding due to the nature of the job. However, schools today are well adept at serving the educational needs of students that are returning to school after a long hiatus or have never been to college.

Ultimately, enrolling in an accredited RN program is one of the best decisions that anyone could ever make for themselves, regardless of how old they are. Here are just a few of the amazing benefits that nursing professionals enjoy the amazing profession:

Benefits of Becoming a Registered Nurse

  • Make an average of $37 per hour (nearly 5X minimum wage)
  • Work anywhere providing you keep their license intact
  • High job security due to demand for nurses
  • Exciting, dynamic, and rewarding work
  • Opportunities for advancement and regular pay increases
  • Benefits packages superior to most other professions

Another amazing benefit available that is not typical of most other professions is that it allows you to travel. Traveling nurses have the luxury of traveling the country or the world while making a decent living. Traveling nurses rarely feel stuck in a rut since they are able to help many people and see many places.

The sooner you make the decision to become a registered nurse and enroll in an accredited RN program, the happier you’ll be in your life. Of course, there will be challenges in obtaining your nursing license but that is true with any major change in life. If you fear that you’re too old, or it’s too late to make the change, remember that going back to school could result in better hours, more money, more freedom, and a happier life. At the end of your nursing education, you’ll be empowered with a valuable new skill set that will allow you to help others and create a whole new career for yourself. Get started today by sitting down with our admission counselors at Athena Career Academy.Start Your Journey Now