How to Survive Your First Year as a Medical Assistant

Posted On December 30,2020

If you’re nearing the end of your medical assistant training program, or perhaps a new graduate ready to begin your new career, then you might think the majority of the hard work is behind you. While becoming a medical assistant is hard work, the first year of working as an MA can be challenging as well. There is so much information to learn and absorb, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Just give it some time, and you too will be a seasoned pro before you know it. 

Group of medical assistant students holding tablets and clipboards.

Learn the Routine

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when first becoming a medical assistant is figuring out how to handle patient flow. As an MA, your biggest responsibility is patient flow and ensuring that everything goes smoothly from the start of a patient’s appointment to the end. One of the most important things you can do right from the start is to try and adapt to the routine in place as quickly as possible. Of course, there will be some amount of wiggle room allotted to you as your co-workers have been in your shoes before and understand that you’re new and still learning. However, it’s still important to pay close attention to how things are done and how things are organized at the workplace and work hard to try and maintain the order and structure that’s there.

Have Patience

It may be tempting to want to jump in and take over after becoming a medical assistant, but having patience and listening and learning from your more experienced co-workers will help you survive and thrive in your new workplace. Having confidence is a wonderful trait, but you don’t want to come across as too confident or overzealous in the beginning. By being humble and helpful, you’ll continue to grow and advance in your new career.

Be a Problem Solver

Asking for help when you really need it is always recommended but learning how to problem solve and figure things out on your own whenever possible is a skill that will greatly help you survive your first year as an MA. It’s ok to take the lead and keep things running smoothly.

Be Teachable

As is the case in any career, it’s important to be teachable. While you may have already learned the basic skills and knowledge needed to get started, a lot of the real learning and training begins on the job. If you’re not teachable, or open to learning from others, then you won’t make it very far as an MA.

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Know That You’re Making a Difference

Almost anyone can learn the basic skills needed to become a medical assistant, but those MA’s who understand the importance of what they do and truly strive to improve the lives of their patients are the ones who will achieve the greatest success. Becoming an MA is more than simply earning a paycheck. It’s an opportunity to make a difference and help people who need it.

Ready to Get Started?

For more tips on how to survive your first year as an MA, or if you’re looking for more information on how to become a medical assistant, contact Athena Career Academy. We’ll teach you all the skills you need and more. We are invested in your success to not only survive but thrive in an exciting and rewarding healthcare career you can be proud of.

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