How to Prepare for the Medical Assistant Certificate Exam

Posted On February 16,2023

Medical assistants are a vital part of the healthcare industry. While medical assisting is one of the few healthcare professionals that aren’t required to hold special certification or licenses to practice, choosing to earn one of the optional medical assisting certifications can open doors to more higher paying jobs and opportunities.

Medical assistant sitting next to a female patient.

The CMA certification exam is provided through the American Association of Medical Assistants and is considered the most widely recognized and accepted certification for medical assistants. Passing the CMA exam means you have the full recommendation of the AAMA certification board and meet the standards of a qualified medical assistant. 

If you’re in the process of becoming a medical assistant and have graduated or are nearly finished with your training program, then you’re no stranger to taking quizzes and tests. However, the CMA certification exam is a big one that sums up all you learned in your program, encompassing a lot of material. With the right preparation, you can pass the test on the first try. Here are some helpful study tips to help you prepare for the big day, but these are just suggestions as not all people successfully study the same way. Ultimately, you should do what works best for you. 

Know the Topics 

The full content outline for the CMA certification exam is lengthy but you can read thorough details about what to expect on the AAMA website. There you will find a comprehensive list covering everything that might appear on the exam. 

Identify Your Weak Points 

As you comb through the exam content, place a mark next to the topics you feel less confident about. Of course, you’ll still want to review everything, but plan to spend additional time on the areas where you might feel a little unsure. 

Schedule Study Time 

It’s essential that you carve out scheduled time each week to work on your CMA exam preparation. Remove all distractions and inform your family and friends that you can’t be disturbed while studying. 

Spread It Out 

Rather than wait until the last minute to try and cram everything in, pre-determine the topics you’d like to review during your study time. This allows you to allocate more time to your weaker subjects and helps prevent procrastination and last-minute cramming.

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Take CMA Practice Tests 

The AAMA offers several practice tests and quizzes on their website. Taking these practice tests won’t give you the questions and answers from the actual exam, but they will get you more familiar with how questions will be worded. 

Learn Multiple Choice Strategies 

Multiple choice exams involve eliminating the wrong answers and identifying the correct ones. There’s a strategy for taking multiple choice tests and the better you know the format, the better you’ll perform on test day. 

Take a CMA Review Course 

The AAMA offers review courses in many areas to review exam material before test day. This is an excellent opportunity to refresh your knowledge, ask any final questions, and ensure you understand the concepts. 

Take Care of Yourself 

It’s essential that you take care of yourself so you’re in optimal shape on test day. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy, and drink lots of water. 

Want to Learn More?

If you’re interested in becoming a medical assistant, the first step is enrolling in a quality, accredited medical assisting program, like the one offered at Athena Career Academy. Contact Athena today for more information or to schedule a campus tour. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be on your way to a successful and fulfilling career.

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