How Technology is Impacting Early Childhood Education

Posted On December 3,2019

How Technology is Impacting Early Childhood Education

Did you know that at least 90% of early childhood education teachers use technology in the classroom? With the world at our fingertips, it’s no wonder teachers are taking advantage of the benefits.

Technology isn’t just reserved for educational purposes. It has also impacted the daily operations of daycare centers and schools alike. From inventory of supplies and staffing to classroom activities and everything in between, technology is reaching into every facet of our lives and there’s no reason not to embrace it.

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Enhancing Security

Over the years, child daycare centers and schools have relied on technology to provide security within the centers. New advancements include using fingerprint and/or facial recognition scanners for entry. This has been helpful in streamlining the check in/check out process, and in overseeing who is allowed access to the building.

Surveillance cameras ensure safety throughout the buildings. These cameras have also helped school management assess how teachers interact with the students. Parents can also view their kid’s daily activities through video surveillance streaming. This has been quite helpful in keeping the office staff, teachers, as well as the parents aware of the child’s activities.

Improves the Learning Experience

Without a doubt, technology-focused education increases the engagement of young students in the classroom. Unlike the traditional classroom setting, technology is interactive. With it, students learn via doing, researching, and getting feedback. This helps them get passionate about what they’re learning. Most daycare centers and schools are improving the learning experience with technology by including:

  • E-books– These include multimedia such as animation, illustrations, music, and sound effects.
  • Tablets– Tablets help early childhood educators bring new resources to the students.
  • Interactive Smartboards- No more dry chalkboards or whiteboards. Teachers are now using LCD monitors together with smartboards to engage young children in the lessons.

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Better Classroom Organization

With technology, classroom organization is not as challenging. With digital record keeping, early childhood educators can keep track of the student’s patterns. Teachers can use this input to keep parents informed of their children’s day. For example, there’s a smartphone app, known as, which both the parent and teacher can download on their smartphone or tab.

The teacher takes photos of daily activities and uploads them so that parents can see how their child’s day is going.

Become an Early Childhood Educator

If you’ve been thinking about a career in early childhood education, consider enrolling in the ECE program at Athena Career Academy. Our accredited program will prepare you for an exciting and rewarding career with plenty of room for growth. We offer flexible class schedules and no wait list. Start your new career today! Contact us for a campus tour or click here to enroll.

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