How Much Money do Nurses Make on Average?
Posted On December 18,2015
If you’re thinking of entering the field of nursing then the first step will be picking the right specialization. The field you choose to specialize in will have a number of implications, including your salary and responsibilities, as well as as amount and type of education you’ll require to qualify for them. However, no matter what specialization you choose one of the main benefits of becoming a nurse, other than the thrill of helping people and making a genuine difference, is the fact that just about every nursing specialization offers a well-paid position to those who select it. Throughout the course of this article we will break down the average salary of a number of nursing jobs, as well as the requirements you’ll need to meet to get one of them.
Practical Nurse: The first thing you’ll need to become an PN is a high school diploma (or, failing that, a GED). Then you’ll have to engage in, and pass, an PN program, which will probably involve a year spent in an actual hospital being trained on site, and take the National Council Licensure Examination. Complete your training and you’ll be making anywhere from $31,000-41,600 every year.
Registered Nurse: Registered nurses are paid more than LPNs, $55,700-67,100 a year, but to become one you’ll need more extensive training. You’ll need to earn either a Bachelor of Science or an associate’s degree, both in the field of nursing. Associate’s degrees can take half the time to earn (2-3 years on average), but those with bachelor’s degrees (which require 4 years of education) are considered more desirable and generally earn more money. No matter what path you choose you’ll need to take, and pass, the NCLEX-RN, once to earn your certification and then a few more times periodically to keep your license.
School Nurse: School nurses don’t typically make as much money as RNs, though their pay scale ($31,200-41,500) means that they get paid just as highly as PNs. As for the specific requirements for becoming a school nurse, those vary from state to state. At the very least you’ll need a nursing license, though some states require potential candidates to have bachelor’s or even master’s degrees. If you want to know the requirements for your state then you’ll need to call your Department of Education for clarification. If you want to become a school nurse then it’s important to do this early on, perhaps before you even begin your education, so that you’ll know exactly what will be required of you.
Surgical Techs: With a yearly salary of between $35,600-43,400, surgical techs are paid more, on average, than LPNs and school nurses but not as well as RNs. Getting certified requires about two years of education in an accredited program. Following that you’ll need to take a certification exam. You won’t necessarily even need to be certified to become a surgical tech, though those who do go through the program always have a significant advantage over those who do not when it comes to hiring.

Are you ready to get started on an exciting journey toward becoming a nurse? Athena Career Academy is here to help. Our experienced administration and teaching staff has years of nursing experience, and will equip you with the tools you need to succeed in a nursing career. Call today to schedule an informational appointment to learn more.
Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075