Here’s How To Stand Out From the Competition as a Medical Assistant

Posted On November 20,2017

How to stand out from the competition as a Medical Assistant Athena Career Academy

It is no secret that the job market is competitive. Those who complete the Clinical Medical Assistant program will have a leg up on the competition. Yet you can do much more beyond obtaining the proper education credentials. Let’s take a look at everything prospective medical assistants can do to shine brighter than the rest.

Grades Matter

Completing the Clinical Medical Assistant program is only half the battle. Your academic performance is of the utmost importance. Hiring managers often ask candidates how they performed in school if their GPA is not listed at the top of the resume. Attaining good grades is a sign that you have the knowledge and passion necessary to succeed as a medical assistant. If you didn’t miss a single class or internship session, let the hiring manager know in your cover letter and/or interview. Perfect attendance is a sign you are dedicated to this field and will continue the trend once you start to work as a medical assistant.

Relevant Experience

Oftentimes, hiring managers give preference to candidates who have experience relevant to the open position. There are plenty of paid and volunteer healthcare positions available to those studying to become a medical assistant. Hold down a part-time job or volunteer while you are in school and you will enjoy a meaningful competitive edge over the rest of the job-seeking pack.

Examples of positions you can hold while enrolled in school include unit secretary, patient transport, nutrition department work and volunteer positions at hospitals/healthcare facilities. Volunteering provides industry experience and also shows you are truly dedicated to working in the medical field.

Learn Spanish

In certain regions, aspiring medical assistants who are fluent in Spanish are more coveted than those limited to English. The Latino population is rapidly growing in most portions of the United States. A medical assistant candidate who can speak Spanish will be able to interact with patients who speak limited or no English. It is even possible that Spanish fluency will add a premium to your compensation.

A Willingness to Relocate or Travel

Those who aren’t limited to a specific geographic area will have a leg up on the competition. Medical assistants are in especially high demand in major metropolitan areas. Furthermore, medical assistants in these high-demand areas typically make significantly more money than those in other geographic areas.

Embrace Opportunities to Advance Your Skill Set

Take advantage of every possible opportunity to expand your knowledge base and enhance your skills. This means accepting challenges when working, interning, volunteering and studying. Bolster your knowledge base and skill set so you have experiences to reference during your job interviews and in your cover letters. Seize every opportunity and you will gradually make yourself that much more of a stronger candidate for open medical assistant positions.

Even those seemingly minor opportunities will help round your edges and bolster your confidence. Be sure to write down the skills and experiences you obtain when working, volunteering and studying so you can review them prior to interviews for medical assistant openings.

Start Your Journey Now

In the end, It is the Small Stuff That Separates You From the Pack

Key in on the merits outlined above and you will be noticed by a hiring manager sooner rather than later. Though some of these skills and accomplishments are fairly minor, they really do add up to make a substantial difference between you and the next medical assistant candidate. So sweat the small stuff! Go out of your way to distinguish yourself from the pack and it won’t be long until your career as a medical assistant takes off.