From Passion to Profession: Turn Your Love for Children into a Career as a Preschool Teacher

Posted On April 20,2023

You love working with children, and you find yourself jealous of those who get to enjoy working with kids every day, but you worry that this opportunity has passed you by and it’s too late to change career paths. If you can’t go back to being a full-time student, you may think becoming a teacher is impossible. However, it is possible to get your degree in early childhood education, even if you can’t be a traditional full-time student due to work, family, and lifestyle. There are many early childhood education programs that welcome those who need an alternate path to becoming a preschool teacher.

Preschool teaching playing with a groups of students and building play train tracks.

Is a Degree in Early Childhood Education Still a Good Idea?

There is no doubt that education has been called into question. Teacher burnout, governmental oversight, and unsupportive parents are unsettling to think of. Some prospective teachers may have doubts about the future of teaching and whether it’s a wise choice to pursue a degree. While the news may not always be good, for those who are passionate about making a difference and love the idea of helping to shape young minds, teaching is still a great career choice. The early childhood years are crucial, and early childhood educators are seeing plenty of opportunities, enjoying job stability, and experiencing the chance to grow in the profession. There will always be a demand for good teachers, especially for those who love working with young children.

Preschool Teaching is Family Friendly

If you are a busy parent, teaching preschool may be the perfect career. One of the advantages of a degree in early childhood education is that it will allow you to find a job that matches up with what your own children need. While not every position is a perfect fit, preschool teachers will often enjoy the same holidays, vacations, and hours as their own kids, allowing them to be available for their families. 

Preschool Teaching is Never Dull

Although you won’t have a perfect day every day, you will never be bored as a preschool teacher. Being a preschool teacher means a fun, fast-paced day full of creativity. Teachers may get frustrated from time to time, but they are rarely bored. Working with young children requires you to use your imagination, adjust on the fly, and be innovative in your methods every day. 

Preschool Teachers Make a Real Difference 

Some jobs never really allow you to see the impact you make, but as a teacher, you will see the difference you make in your students’ lives. As an early childhood teacher, the growth you will see each year is inspiring. As you share your love of learning with your students, you will make a positive impact and see that love grow within them. The community you can build in your classroom and the path you will set your students on are so important to who they will become as learners.

No profession is perfect, but all the good in teaching, particularly in early childhood education, far outweighs the bad. You’ll get to turn your love for working with children into a satisfying career, and you’ll realize why so many teachers refer to their profession as a calling, not merely a job. It’s never too late to fulfill your dream of a degree in early childhood education. To learn more about our comprehensive ECE degree program, contact Athena Career Academy today!