Early Childhood Educators Get Kids Back on Track
Posted On April 7,2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on students, young and old. Young students missed months of quality education, resulting in poor nutrition, rising obesity rates, and untold hours staring at television screens and digital devices.
The pandemic has taught us that early childhood education (ECE) is more important than ever before. We need energetic, creative teachers to help children get back on track and close the gap in learning that so many children are struggling with after months of pandemic related delays and closures.
How Can Preschool Teachers Help?
Preschool teachers can help children learn by finding learning opportunities in and out of the classroom. Early educators are finding creative ways to make students more adaptable and encourage the concept that learning can happen anywhere.
Preschools offer young children the chance to socialize with other children, learn more about themselves, learn how to problem solve, and build confidence. Preschool teachers play an important role in building a child’s success in these early years. They do more than just provide arts and crafts projects throughout the day. Preschoolers learn how to follow routines, improve their reading and writing skills, and learn to better understand themselves and their peers.
Preschool teachers use a variety of methods to help children learn cognitively as well as conceptually.
Technology in the Classroom
The attitude about the use of technology in the classroom is changing for the positive. We’ve learned that technology plays a positive role in children’s development and learning. Using technology, early educators have access to more innovative, advanced teaching methods that allow them to promote learning and create an active-rich learning environment for young students.
When used properly, technology is an effective tool for preschool teachers to utilize in the classroom. Many ECE teachers confirm that the use of digital devices has increased the engagement of young children in classroom lessons. Technology allows teachers to introduce new resources and provide children with a more interactive experience using online apps and learning games.
Technology tools are not only used for classroom interactions with students, but they also help with documentation, instruction, assessment, and communication, enabling teachers to stay better connected to students and their families and keep them informed of their students’ progress.
Encouraging Creativity
Children love to play and get messy, and preschool is full of opportunities for children to get creative. Art projects are an essential element of early childhood classrooms, as is music education. Preschool teachers can help children reach their milestones faster by creating engaging lessons that combine singing, clapping, dancing, and other fun, interactive activities that help children develop fine motor skills. Singing is great for establishing coordination between the body and the brain. Creative learning is a key component in a child’s overall development.
Improving Socialization
Children who attend a quality preschool program tend to enter kindergarten with stronger social skills as they’ve already learned some necessary life skills, like listening, sharing and taking turns with other children. Preschool teachers plan activities that foster appropriate social interactions among children. In addition to social skills, they also teach children how to express their emotions effectively through social interaction.

How Can You Help?
Early childhood education is critical to the success of children, but the most important tool we have is quality teachers who allow children to learn and grow while fostering creativity and curiosity so they can thrive. ECE needs you! If you’re interested in earning an early childhood education degree so you can help children succeed, contact Athena Career Academy today.