Different Specializations – Early Childhood Education

Posted On October 24,2017



Very few people know who they want to be in future. Knowing your dream career is the first step in your educational life. However, your knowledge won’t do you any good if you don’t know what certifications or degrees you need to actualize your dream.

Combining the perfect degree with the right specialization increases your chances of steering your career in the right direction. Combining your Early Childhood Education degree with the right specializations will help you take on the Early Childhood Education niche that you are most comfortable with.

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The Difference between the Degree and a Specialization

Your Bachelor of Arts in Childhood Development degree is the base framework you need to venture into the field. It gives you a detailed understanding of early childhood by presenting topics and courses geared towards making you a better advocate and initiator of childhood development.

Specializations, on the other hand, are extra minors that allow degree students to venture into different but related fields of interest. You must first hit a set milestone with your Early Childhood Education Degree before specializing on anything. The right specializations will help you shape your education into meeting your interests and career goals.

The top specializations you can venture into as an Early Childhood Education degree holder or student include:

Early Childhood Curriculum and Methods

This specialization focuses on developing the right curricula and teaching strategies that will give ECD a more efficient approach. You will be taught the art of preparing a new curriculum and how to practice it and test its potential in a real life scenario. This specialization gives you a chance of being more than a teacher. It is a great choice for anyone who wants to take their skills outside the classroom.

Language Development in Young Children

Language acquisition is one of the most important things in early childhood development. While most kids take on language naturally, those who have some trouble will need some extra help before they hit six years. This course will focus on language acquisition among your children and could land you a position as a special need ECD expert at different institutions.

Children’s Literature

This specialization teaches you how to choose the right books and educational medial that will have the right impact on cognitive, social development and physical processes in small babies and preschool children. Even though children literature might sound straightforward, there’s so much to consider when choosing what your young learners pour over. Knowing children’s literature will help make you an independent early childhood development expert since you can easily work well with minimum supervision.

Administration of Early Childhood Education

The administration specialization will focus on creating and implementing early childhood programs to a wide range of age groups. The programs will vary depending on educational goals. When joined with Curriculum Development, it will give you the skills you need to create local curricula and develop it. Administration of Early Childhood Education will put you in charge of hiring procedures, compliance with state regulations, intuitional budgets and other managerial responsibilities.

You will have to study at the right Early Childhood Education institution to gain access to these and more specialization options. Even though you can keep taking extra specialization courses once you are done with the degree, it is always wise to do as much as you can before entering the job market. This will put some clarity to your career, letting you focus on what you love most from the word go.

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