Creative People Make Great Preschool Teachers

Posted On April 20,2022

When you imagine what careers are best suited for creative people, you might think about things like an artist or fashion designer. Creative people also make great teachers. Planning engaging, entertaining, and creative classrooms and lessons are best done by people who have a clever imagination. They are great at making learning fun in addition to promoting healthy social, cognitive, and emotional development.

Teaching is a profession that offers unlimited opportunities to create through structured play, games, and learning activities. Therefore, it’s important that preschool teachers have a creative mindset. In addition to creativity, there are other important traits that great preschool teachers possess.Smiling teacher with students in a classroom.


Patience is key when working with young children. They won’t all be well behaved all the time, and they won’t always comprehend what you’re saying. In addition to patience, creativity can help a preschool teacher come up with alternative ways to explain things, and keep everyone engaged. 


A great preschool teacher is enthusiastic about their job. They enjoy coming to work each day and encourage their students to share the same passion, creativity, and enthusiasm for learning that they do. A great teacher strives to maintain a positive, upbeat attitude in the classroom. 


Great teachers can engage students with humor and creative lessons and activities. Children respond better to adults who aren’t afraid to show off their silly, less serious side. Humor and creativity must coexist in the classroom as you create funny songs, rhymes, stories, and other lighthearted activities to help retain students’ attention by making learning fun. 

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Great teachers have remarkable communication skills. They must be able to interact with people of all ages, including colleagues, students, parents, and administrators. Preschool teachers utilize creativity in how they communicate by knowing how to effectively deliver information, understand different points of view, and explain the reasoning for the choices made regarding their teaching. 


Great preschool teachers are highly adaptable. You never know what’s going to happen in your classroom at any given time, so you need to be able to handle each circumstance appropriately by creating quick solutions to any problem. Creative adapting may involve adjusting lesson plans to better engage students, minimizing frustration when a lesson isn’t going according to plan, or changing your approach to collaborating with a parent or coworker. 


Great teachers are highly organized and have great attention to detail. Preschool teachers have a lot of material to cover and don’t get much time to themselves, so good organizational skills are important. You must be able to find everything you need for an activity or lesson in a hurry. Young children have short attention spans, so if you’re digging through a cabinet for supplies, this can leave your classroom vulnerable to chaos. 


Curious teachers constantly seek out new technology, research, and ideas to help them discover creative methods to effectively educate their students. One of the key traits needed to be a great teacher is a dedication to continued education and a lifelong love of learning. 

Ready to Put Your Creativity to Good Use?   

There is a huge demand for creative teachers in the classroom. If you’re always felt you would enjoy becoming a teacher, but you’re wondering how to begin, Athena Career Academy can help. Students attending our early education program are taught the proper knowledge and skills needed to succeed as confident, competent, and creative preschool teachers. Contact us today to learn more about this exciting career.         

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