Challenges You Will Overcome as a Preschool Teacher

Posted On August 26,2022

You may have done your research on how to become a preschool teacher, like earning a degree in early childhood education, but do you have a realistic picture of what the job really entails? Being a preschool teacher can be a struggle at times. There are ups and downs like any job, and days where you run out of time. There may be some challenges to overcome but the rewards of the job greatly outnumber them. Experienced quality educators manage to combat these challenges by having a passion for teaching. 

Here are some common challenges many preschool educators experience over the course of their teaching career:

Preschool teacher consoling an upset student.

Managing a Classroom of Energetic Preschoolers 

Corralling a room full of young children isn’t always easy and takes a certain amount of skill and patience. It can also quickly drain your energy. The daily challenges of teaching preschoolers include dealing with difficult behaviors like tired, cranky children. Not all children learn at the same pace. Some children may have learning challenges that require special attention. Sometimes children struggle with being away from their parents. Throughout the day you have to learn to balance their unique needs while taking care of yourself as well. To keep your classroom functioning smoothly, it is important to establish a clear set of rules and boundaries from the start. 

Work Occurs Outside of the Classroom

Teachers often work more hours than they are being paid. Planning a curriculum and age-appropriate learning activities takes a large chunk of time. Some of the most time-consuming activities include lesson planning, record keeping, communicating with parents, and planning for upcoming events like open houses or music programs. It can take time to find your rhythm, but you will find a system that works for you. 

Dealing with Difficult Parents  

Sometimes dealing with parents or caregivers can present challenges. They may be demanding and difficult to please. They may expect their child to receive special attention without realizing the work it takes to provide each child with the time and attention they deserve. As a preschool teacher, you will be busy and may not have the time or ability to meet parent demands or special requests. 

Retaining the Attention of Young Children 

Each child is unique with differing behaviors and interests. While it would be great if every child held the same level of interest in what you are presenting, that is not reality. Some children may find certain classroom discussions or activities more interesting than others, while some may flat out refuse to participate. Creating engaging and innovative lesson plans and activities can help motivate children to want to learn and participate. 

Overcoming the Physical Demands of the Job 

One often overlooked challenge of teaching is the physical demands associated with the job. Preschool teachers rarely have time to sit and rest during the school day. They spend most of the day on their feet, bending, lifting, dancing, and playing with children. While being a preschool teacher is fun and exciting, it can also be exhausting. Your feet will likely be sore by the end of the day. The best way to combat the physical demands of the job is by taking good care of yourself. Invest in a pair of comfortable, supportive shoes. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious food to provide you with energy, and spend your downtime doing activities you enjoy. 

Start Your ECE Process Now

If teaching preschool sounds like a great career for you, the first step is enrolling in an accredited school and earning a degree in early childhood education. Contact Athena Career Academy to get the process started, to learn more about our ECE program, or to schedule a campus tour.