Becoming an RN vs. an LPN

Should you become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or a registered nurse (RN)? The decision can be...

Why is Registered Nursing Such a Rapidly Growing Field?

Nursing careers have experienced tremendous growth since the previous decade. Statistics show there...

What Education is Required to Become a Registered Nurse?

The need for Registered Nurses (RNs) is expected to increase much faster than all other...

A Guide to Adjusting from an LPN to RN

As a Licensed Practice Nurse (LPN), the next step up the professional ladder for you would be...

Going Through a Typical Day in the Life of an RN

The daily routine of working as an RN (registered nurse) can be described as anything but...

Mistakes to Avoid on Your Nursing School Application

Toledo OH is an excellent place to attend nursing school, but there are several hurdles to overcome...

Is It Difficult to Transition from an LPN to RN?

While some people may consider LPNs and RNs to basically be the same thing, they are actually...

Preparing for the Process of Becoming a Registered Nurse

Becoming a Registered Nurse can be an arduous process. Taking the following steps will save you...

What Are the NCLEX Pass Rates for Nursing Students in Ohio?

For thousands of hopefuls across the country, the ability to pass the NCLEX exam is the only thing...