Nursing Students: Don’t Wait For A Waitlist Spot!

Every day, there are thousands of individuals looking for new careers throughout Northwest Ohio....

5 Skills Nursing Employers Want in Nurse

Nursing employers are hiring in droves yet they are not willing to hire just anyone who is an RN...

Qualities Your Nursing Recruiter Is Looking For

  Every medical recruiter is looking for a nurse who brings more than knowledge and experience...

Top Things You MUST Include in Your Nursing Resume

As graduation day nears, it's natural to start anticipating your upcoming job search. With a...

6 Reasons Why the Nursing Field Continues to Grow

The nursing industry has been growing rapidly in recent years and stands poised to grow even more...

What Specialty is Right For You?

So you have decided to take your passion for helping others and turn it into a  rewarding and...

Six Tips for a Well-Rounded Nursing Education

Nurses account for the largest percentage of health care providers; there are 3.1 million...

What is the Median Pay for RNs? How Long Does it Take to Reach It?

If you are considering a career in nursing or already work as an entry-level nurse, you are likely...

The Fastest Growing Position for an RN

Wouldn't it be nice to step into a growing career field that gives you the opportunity to help...

It Is Never Too Late to Enroll in the RN Program

The days of selecting a profession in your early twenties and spending decades with a single...