How To Identify The Best Nursing Program

  When you start researching your options for nursing school programs, it can quickly become...

What Not to Do in Your LPN/RN Program

Congratulations! You’re now successfully enrolled in nursing school. Before you know it,...

Six Tips for a Well-Rounded Nursing Education

Nurses account for the largest percentage of health care providers; there are 3.1 million...

The Benefits of Switching from LPN to RN

Make no mistake about it, being an LPN can be a satisfying employment opportunity that is like...

Should Registered Nurses Get a Bachelor’s or an Associate’s Degree?

There are many paths to becoming a registered nurse, and none are inherently better than others....

Choosing Between College and Nursing School for Your Nursing Education

It’s no secret that the cost of attending college is extremely expensive these days. And it’s...

The Process of Bridging Between an LPN and an RN

If you are interested in a nursing career one of the quickest ways in is to become an licensed...

Mistakes to Avoid on Your Nursing School Application

Toledo OH is an excellent place to attend nursing school, but there are several hurdles to overcome...

What Are the NCLEX Pass Rates for Nursing Students in Ohio?

For thousands of hopefuls across the country, the ability to pass the NCLEX exam is the only thing...

Choosing the Right Nursing School Program for You

The decision to pursue a nursing program is one that many people make. However, that doesn't mean...