Category: Early Childhood Education
Am I Too Old to Become a Teacher?
If you're reading this you're probably someone considering starting a teaching career late in life....
Finding a Balance Between Play and Academics in Early Childhood Education
The early childhood educator is faced with a unique challenge. How do they encourage ample amounts...
The Importance of Early Childhood Education
For some parents the importance of early childhood education (ECE), or educational programs for...
What does the curriculum look like in an Early Childhood Education program
There aren't many teachers out there who will tell you that their job isn't fulfilling. If you're...
The Pros and Cons of Being a Teacher
Many young people dream of growing up to be just like their favorite teacher. Why not? Teaching is...
Is Teaching Right For You?
Becoming a teacher takes more than a love for children, being able to write neatly on a white...
Advantages of Choosing an Accredited Early Childhood Education Program
There is a lot of career satisfaction in early childhood education. You get to see students learn...
ECE Teachers Can Grow In Their Career
A degree in early childhood education (ECE) can be a powerful tool in the current job market....
Is An Online Early Childhood Education Program Right For Me?
Online learning is alluring because it offers those of us with busy schedules a way to get more...
How Long Does it Take to Earn a Degree in Early Childhood Education?
You may not have the time to pursue a 4-year degree, but that doesn't mean you can't pursue higher...