How to Set Yourself up For a Successful Medical Assistant Career

Are you interested in pursuing a healthcare career? If so, you won’t regret it! You’re about to...

Can I Learn How to Be a Medical Assistant Without Training?

Becoming a Medical Assistant (MA) is one of the hottest careers in healthcare, offering great pay...

Clinical Medical Assistant Career Overview

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a rewarding and exciting healthcare career...

Why Choose a Career in Healthcare?

Why healthcare? There’s never been a better time to become a healthcare professional. Jobs are in...

Consider a Specialized Healthcare Career for Greater Job Security

The demand for medical assistants (MAs) is high, with an impressive job growth of 23 percent from...

7 Reasons to Consider a Career in Healthcare

Many people are interested in a career in the healthcare industry, but they don’t have the...

Becoming a Hospice Care Medical Assistant

Medical assistants are highly versatile members of any healthcare team. They’re unique compared...

6 Things Healthcare Employers Want in a Medical Assistant

Medical assistants are in demand and highly versatile. They play an essential role in the daily...

Why are Medical Assistants in High Demand?

When you are choosing a career path or contemplating a change, choosing a career in high demand is...

The Best Medical Assistants Know How to Keep Patients Calm

Many patients have anxiety regarding their medical care. They worry about what could be wrong, they...