Balancing Work, Family, and Education: Tips for Adult Learners Pursuing Medical Assisting

Posted On July 12,2023

There are many benefits to pursuing a career in medical assisting. There’s a huge demand for medical assistants, it pays well and provides stability and rewarding work for those who love to help people. It’s also much easier to become a medical assistant than it is to become a doctor or nurse. In fact, you can train to become a clinical medical assistant (CMA) in less than a year.

Despite this, it’s still a challenging endeavor for adult learners who have to manage work, family, and education. Here are a few tips for those making the effort to pursue a career in medical assisting.

Medical assistant helping an elderly man up from his seat

1. Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is an essential part of managing your time. A schedule will give you structure and make sure that everything is allocated the proper amount of time. Be sure to take into consideration holidays, children’s activities, family commitments, work hours, class times, studying periods, and other commitments. Once you’ve created your schedule for the week or month ahead, stick to it as much as possible. Make sure that your schedule is realistic; if it’s too ambitious, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure.

2. Plan Ahead

Life happens, and things can come up that throw your schedule out of whack. To minimize the impact of unexpected events, plan ahead and be ready for anything. Have an emergency plan in case you get sick, or something comes up unexpectedly. Get a backup babysitter lined up so that childcare doesn’t become an issue at the last minute. Make sure to account for potential conflicts and set aside time to sort through them when they come up.

3. Stay Organized

Staying organized is key to managing work, family, and education. In fact, it’s a skill that is needed as a medical assistant. Buy a planner or use a digital calendar app to keep track of your assignments, test dates, and other important tasks. Put reminders in your calendar for upcoming deadlines. Use folders or notebooks to store notes and handouts from class so you can easily access them when it’s time to study.

Schedule a call with admissions

4. Speak With Your Professors

Let your professors know about your situation as a working adult learner. They might be able to give you advice or exercises that can help make studying easier. Many instructors offer additional office hours and one-on-one assistance outside of class, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Not to mention, they may be more willing to accommodate you with deadlines or provide extensions if they know of your situation.

5. Seek Support

Find a support system of people who understand your situation and are willing to offer assistance or advice. Consider joining an online community for adult learners or a local support group. Friends and family may also be able to provide much-needed encouragement and assistance, so let them know what they can do to help you. It’s likely they will be happy to pitch in.

6. Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of your physical health is an important part of juggling work, family, and education. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep will help you stay focused and energized. Make sure to take some time for yourself, whether it’s reading a book or spending time with friends.

7. Set Realistic Goals

Be realistic about what you can achieve in a given period of time. Set small, attainable goals that will help you stay on track without becoming overwhelmed. Break down large tasks into smaller parts that can be completed one at a time. Celebrate milestones when they are reached to keep your motivation up.

Become a Medical Assistant Today

Becoming a medical assistant is a great career choice, and it can be within your reach with the right strategies, even if you have a job and other commitments. For more information about enrolling in our CMA program, be sure to contact Athena Career Academy today.

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