A Career in Healthcare Has Many Benefits

Posted On October 8,2021

It can be challenging to find a job that’s not only fulfilling, but that also presents future career advancement opportunities and doesn’t require four years or more of a college education. Fortunately, they do exist. For example, if you like helping people, then there’s no better place to work than in the healthcare field — and the best way to get started is by becoming a medical assistant.


1. Obtainable Training

Other professions within the medical field require years and years of education. Medical assistant training can be completed in one year or less at an accredited institution. As a result, you can begin working as a medical assistant within a year without having to worry about spending significant amounts of money or taking out massive student loans for years on end to complete your education.

2. Career Advancement Opportunities

When you become a medical assistant, you’ll gain valuable experience in the healthcare field. As such, you’ll have one foot in the door as far as what career path you want to take. For instance, you could move into a management position or you could become an instructor in your field of expertise. A teaching career allows you to share your knowledge with others and teach the next generation of medical professionals.

Another option would be to go back to school so that you can secure a more advanced medical position that comes with better pay and benefits. As a medical assistant, you’ll already have a strong foundation to work off of.

3. Great Pay And Benefits

It should be no surprise that people who work in the medical field tend to have good benefits, but the pay is also quite good for medical assistants considering how little time they have to train for their career.

4. Long-Term Job Security

The population has been growing significantly over the years, and people are living longer than they ever have before. As a result, the need for medical assistants continues to increase every year. Additionally, there is a wide range of locations that require medical assistants including family practices, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and labs. This means it won’t be difficult to find a job, and you’ll also have long-term job security. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants can expect a job growth of 18 percent over next decade.

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5. Excellent Camaraderie

Your work environment matters. Fortunately, people who work in the medical field have one thing in common: they want to help people. This shared goal makes it much easier for people in the field to get along. Nobody is competing to get promoted to the top, so to speak. As such, there tends to be a great sense of camaraderie among medical professionals, including medical assistants.

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At Athena Career Academy, you’ll learn all you need to know to become a successful medical assistant. We make it easier to shift into a better career with flexible class schedules, financial aid availability, and no wait list to enroll. For more information about our accredited CMA program, contact us today.