7 Tips to Help You Get Your First Nursing Job

Posted On August 14,2015

After graduation, the first goal of every student is to find a job a quickly as possible. As a nurse, your goal is to begin working in your field right away so you can begin the new life you worked so hard to obtain. Student loan payments soon become due and you probably don’t want to remain working in the jobs you had before you became a nurse.

So, as you’re preparing your for your first job search as a nurse, consider these tips to help you find the job you want so you can sign that employment agreement and get started in your new nursing career.

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  1. Always go above and beyond in your classes and clinical trainings. Set yourself apart from the competition by doing exceptional work in all of your classes and clinical work. Making a connection with potential employers during your clinicals can open the door for future employment after graduation. Showcase your hard work, nursing skills, personality traits, and knowledge, and most importantly, why you are perfectly suited for a career in nursing.
  2. Network with other nurses and medical professionals as soon as you begin your schooling. Making professional connections can help you learn of potential nursing opportunities as soon as they open up. Your nursing colleagues can help you prepare for interviews by informing you what characteristics an employer is looking for. Plus, you may even be able to use the nurses within your network as references on job applications.
  3. aboutathena-300x199Write a killer resume that stands out from the rest. Google poorly written resumes as well as tips to write professional resumes. Learn what you should and should not include in your resume. If you struggle with your writing skills, consider seeking out assistance to write yours. If you provide an employer with a poorly written resume, filled with grammar mistakes and inconsistencies, your professionalism and thoroughness may come into question.
  4. Ask for a job up front and in person. Don’t let your resume get lost among the endless email lists of other nursing applicants. If possible, go into the hospital, doctor’s office, or clinic you’re applying at and speak personally with the nursing department head. Hand him or her a physical copy of your resume. This personal meeting can showcase your communication and people skills, and your determination to begin your career as a nurse.
  5. Apply for nursing jobs before graduation if possible. Although, in most cases, you cannot begin working until you have received your licensures and passed your exams after graduation, applying for jobs early on can help you get your name out there before the competition.
  6. Be willing to work the night or weekend shifts. Often times, these shifts can be more difficult to fill. Because many employers choose to promote from within, if you are willing to work these less desirable shifts initially, you can get your foot in the door and eventually have an opportunity to change shifts or departments.
  7. Look at non-traditional employment opportunities. Many nurses think that they are limited to working in a hospital or doctor’s office. However, there are many other avenues to pursue once becoming a nurse. School systems, correctional facilities, social service agencies, churches, and many other organizations hire nurses for their medical skills and knowledge. Consider broadening the scope of your job search.

Bonus Tip: Volunteer as much as possible. While in school, look for opportunities to volunteer in hospitals, nursing homes, or clinics. Not only does volunteering give you additional hands-on training, but it also helps beef up your resume and give employers a face to put with a name when considering you for a job.

Schedule a call with admissions

Beginning a career as a nurse starts with getting a high quality education from a well respected institution. At Athena Career Academy, we prepare each of our students with the hands-on training they need to be fully prepared for a career in nursing. To get started on your new career path in the nursing field, simply call 419-329-4075 to schedule a meeting with our admissions department and learn how.

Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075