Benefits of a Practical Nursing Career

Posted On January 17,2016

Many people find themselves interested in pursuing a career as a practical nurse. If this is the case for you, you may want to gain more information regarding the benefits of making this decision. With that idea in mind, please consider the following advantages of becoming a nurse:

You Can Save A Lifes
One of the advantages of becoming a nurse is that it empowers you to save the lives of others. Every day, practical nurses all over the world provide patients with the information and hands-on assistance necessary to help fight disease and promote optimal well-being. There is a profound sense of personal satisfaction that results from completing this type of life-preserving work.

Flexible Work Schedules
Another advantage that results from opting to become a nurse is the ability to have a flexible schedule. Individuals who enjoy the 9-5 lifestyle can opt for this type of work schedule. At the same time, however, individuals who would prefer to be home during the day can work night shifts. There are also opportunities to work weekend shifts as opposed to a Monday through Friday sequence.


The Ability To Travel
In addition to providing people with flexible schedules, becoming Practical Nursing in Toledo Ohio with Athena Career Academy!a practical nurse empowers you to travel. Travelling nurses gain the opportunity to see different types of medical settings, thereby extending their knowledge and experience within their chosen field. This is a great resume enhancer which can lead to promotions. It’s also important to note that many people are not interested in taking jobs where they are limited to one physical region. If this is the case for you, opting for a career in a field with the type of travel opportunities provided by nursing could be ideal.

Promotes Your Personal Health
Another benefit of becoming a nurse is that it promotes your own health. Hospitals and other medical settings tend to be replete with informational brochures and other resources that systematically teach people how to obtain optimal health. At the same time, nurses are frequently required to move around and carry objects. This type of physical activity can promote cardiovascular health while also functioning as a form of weight management. 

Job Mobility
One final advantage of becoming a nurse is that it affords you a substantive amount of job mobility. After becoming a nurse, an individual can opt to go into nursing administration or even attain a PhD in the field and subsequently teach. This type of job mobility can entail a greater sense of self-actualization, personal fulfillment, and an increase in pay. And with the rise of online courses that can result in additional certifications that entail raises and promotions, optimizing job mobility may be easier than ever.

To learn more about a career in nursing, and whether it’s the right fit for you, schedule an appointment with Athena Career Academy today. One meeting with our Admissions counselors could help put you on the path to a successful career in nursing that could change your life for the better. Call 419-329-4075 today.
Start Your Journey Now
Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075