How Much is the Starting Pay for Licensed Practical Nurses in Michigan

Posted On March 11,2016

If you are interested in a career as a licensed practical nurse in Michigan you probably want to know what the expected salary is to begin with. Fortunately, starting wages for licensed practical nurses in Michigan are higher than in some other parts of the country. This means that nursing schools in the area are already overwhelmed with applicants and typically charge more than other schools due to the high demand for enrollment. That’s why some students are choosing schools in Ohio instead.

Hourly Wages

Based on information from and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for licensed practical nurses in Michigan falls between $17.25/hr and $24.50/hr. This number seems to be most affected by the type of healthcare facility that isPractical Nursing Toledo providing services. For instance general service providers are typically on the lower end of that scale while specialists in heart health and elder care appear to pay more. Ohio healthcare providers offer competitive wages, also falling in the $17-24/hr range in most cases. 


Annual Salary

In terms of annual salary, most licensed practical nurses in Michigan can expect to make between $40,000 and $45,000 per year depending on the number of days that you actually work. Since different healthcare facilities use different rotations and scheduling procedures, this may impact your actual pay from one employer to another. However, this also doesn’t take into account opportunities for overtime or performance based bonuses that some employers have to offer. 

Increasing Demand

Due to ongoing population booms throughout major cities in Michigan, there is an increasing demand for new licensed practical nurses in the area. The increase in demand has pushed wages higher than other areas of the country, putting even new nurses at the higher end of the $45,000 per year spectrum. Jumping in now can give you the opportunity to gain experience before moving to other areas of the country, or can set you up for a career with potential of almost $90,000 per year long term. 

Getting Started

While licensed practical nurses in Michigan are in high demand, the ability to earn your license quickly and easily is a little more complicated. Fortunately, Athena schools offers programs in Ohio which allow students to get enrolled faster and finish their programs sooner. This removes the need for applying to multiple schools and the risk of getting wait listed, or having your final classes fill up too fast and not being able to register. Choosing to take courses at Athena will allow you to take advantage of lower tuition rates and lower cost of living while obtaining your education. You will, of course, have the opportunity to move back to Michigan upon graduation. 

Why Choose a Nursing School in Ohio?

Athena offers all of the same educational programs that Michigan schools do, but we are able to get you into your classes sooner and charge less for tuition because of our Ohio location. The high demand for workers in the healthcare field in Michigan has driven tuition and pay rates up, but new students are having a harder time breaking into the industry. Attending school in Ohio is a better option as it allows for more flexibility, lower costs and faster graduation. 

Start Your Journey Now

To learn more about a career as a Practical Nurse, and whether it’s the right fit for you, schedule an appointment with Athena Career Academy today. One meeting with our Admissions counselors could help put you on the path to a successful new career that could change your life for the better. 

 Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075