7 Reasons Why RN’s are the Fastest Growing Field

Posted On January 26,2017

bigstock-Portrait-of-a-beautiful-smilin-145797782.jpgThe health care field is booming right now, and fully 7 health related positions are in the top 10 of employment options. That’s why being an RN is so appealing. The opportunities for growth within the health care field are nearly endless once you become an RN, so you can pick and choose what you want to be. Here are 7 other reasons why RN’s are the fastest growing field out there.  


We all want a job that guarantees financial stability, and being an RN, certainly fits that bill. In fact, the average wage of a registered nurse is about $65,000 dollars per year. RN’s also have the opportunity for to pursue careers in administrative and management positions, in which nurses can make up to $100,000 per year.

Lots of Options

Most people think of nurses being primarily in hospitals, and that is certainly one place they are needed. But nurses are employed in a variety of places everywhere from medical facilities and doctors offices to outpatient care, and home health services.

As the baby boomers retire, post-grad nursing opportunities are opening up, with aspects that include those related to aging, rehabilitation, chemotherapy and much more to choose from.


Depending upon where you work, you’ll generally be able to have full medical benefits for you and your family, even as the cost cutting benefits for other occupations are slowly being phased out.

Flexibility Across the Board

For many, one of the best reasons to be a registered nurse is the overall flexibility, which involves more than just working hours either. RN flexibility means a flexible career where you can obtain advanced degrees and change jobs that better suit your life. Or how about the flexible work schedules that include choosing day or night shifts, part-time, full-time, weekdays, weekends or a combination thereof. But flexibility also means you can work virtually anywhere around the world once you have a degree, and that makes being an RN one of the most flexible friendly jobs you can get into.


Being a nurse means being on the forefront of new and advanced technology. Such things as Electronic Health Care Records (EHR) gives a nurse critical information access at all times, while the new Computerized Physician/Provider Order Entry (CPOE) reduces medical errors. Taken together, these advances will help operations, relations and patient interaction, making a nurses job easier and more precise.

A Rewarding Profession

As a nurse, each and every day you will have the opportunity to affect someone’s life in a positive and hopeful manner. You will be able to help someone in need by giving them assistance and care, while putting a smile on their, or a loved ones, face. And sometimes, that’s all it takes.

Peace of Mind

All of the 6 reasons above are the principle reasons for becoming an RN. All you will need is desire and an associates degree, and you are on your way to a career that allows growth and advancement every step of the way. When you think about it, being an RN offers endless employment opportunities and the nursing fields continues to grow every day.Start Your Journey Now

If you are an LPN, you can become a registered nurse in just one year at the Athena Career Academy. Contact us for more information on how to start your career as an RN.