How to Land Your Dream Position in Your Dream Location as an RN

Posted On March 1,2017


If you have completed your nursing program or in the midst of your education, it is time to start working toward finding your dream job in the perfect location. It is well within the realm of possibility to nab your ideal job in the location you have your heart set on.

Start With Networking

Networking is the best way to advance your career. Meet up with fellow medical professionals at conferences. Ideally, you will be able to attend some conferences in your desired work location. This way, you can meet fellow nurses, doctors and other medical professionals who already make a living in your selected locale.

Networking will “get yourself known”. An individual who is known will always get the job over someone who is unknown. All networking is good networking, so it’s important to meet everyone you can. Even if a new acquaintance doesn’t work as a nurse or in the medical field, it’s still good practice for your networking skills.

There is a good chance you already know someone who is friends with an RN. Nursing professionals can be found in a variety of places, from the gym to PTA meetings, churches and so on. Someone within your social circle is likely connected to a nurse. Perhaps you already know nurses. Pull up your contact list and reach out to them. Ask these professionals if they are willing to mentor you during your job quest.

Start out with the most successful nurses. Established professionals have credibility with their employer and peers. They might put in a good word for you that leads to an interview. Maybe they know of an upcoming job opening that has not been posted. Keep in mind that some job openings never reach the point of being advertised.

Key in on Your Resume, Cover Letter and the Interview

Your cover letter and resume will help you get your foot in the door for an interview. Invest the time necessary to craft an informative cover letter even if the prospective employer does not ask for one. The addition of a cover letter with your resume is an indication that you are highly motivated and strongly covet the job. Once you get an interview, prepare as much as possible. Research questions about the job and organization. Rehearse the interview with a friend at least a couple times.

Get Involved With the Community

Head on out to some of community events. If you can’t find any postings about volunteer opportunities, take the initiative and reach out to local organizations. Facilities ranging from hospitals to nursing homes and youth camps are usually in need of help.

Shadow a professional nurse in your desired locale. Volunteer at a church camp or other group that is in need of medical assistance. Even something as simple as taking blood pressure at the county fair can lead to a social interaction that results in an interview. Bear in mind that when two job candidates are equally qualified, the one with the most community involvement often has a considerable edge.

Be Proactive and Seize Your Dream

The search for your dream job in your preferred locale hinges on your willpower.  Network, volunteer and get involved.  Each new person you meet increases the odds of scoring your dream job. Give it your all and you just might end up exactly where you want to be. Get started today by sitting down with our admission counselors at Athena Career Academy.

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