Technology and Trends for Medical Assistants

Posted On February 20,2018

Technology and Trends in Medical Assisting Athena Career Academy


There has never been a better time to launch a career as a medical assistant.

Advancement in healthcare technology and recent industry trends are making this line of work easier, more effective and ultimately, more fulfilling.

Let’s take a look at the latest trends and technology advancements for medical assistants.

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Contemporary Medical Assistant Work in 2018

This line of work requires the completion of administrative duties as well clinical duties.

As a result, these professionals work with the latest office technologies and innovative tools to improve patient well-being.

The transition to electronic health records (EHRs) has proven to be one of the field’s most significant challenges. EHRs are one of the primary technological elements medical assistants work with today as well as years to come.

These records contain the patient’s medical history, lab results, treatment plans, allergies, medications and other important information.

Patient data is kept in a single place so all pertinent medical providers can access patient health data with ease.

Healthcare facilities across the country are gradually implementing EHRs as time progresses. This trend will only continue across posterity.

Plenty of medical assistantswill be hired to handle EHRs as well as other duties pertaining to patient health. 

How Medical Assistants Work With EHRs

Medical assistants perform the essential role of entering patient information, learning how the system functions and pinpointing ways to assist medical providers to make the best possible decisions regarding patient care.

These professionals are tasked with managing these records and guaranteeing every last detail is precise.

However, EHRs are a recently developed technology that continues to evolve as each day passes.

Medical assistants must have an in-depth understanding of everything from how to edit information and run reports to the advantages/disadvantages of storing patient data in an electronic manner, the maintenance of EHRs and the differences between electronic medical records and electronic health records.

EHRs From the Patient’s Point of View

Patients are able to log in to the system and access their own medical records with ease. Since patients can access this data, medical assistants will likely find part of their duties include fielding questions and concerns from patients.

It will likely be necessary to troubleshoot patient issues with EHRs of varying types. Keep in mind, many of those who require medical assistance are elderly.

Senior citizens tend to become easily flustered by computers, especially when it comes to navigating EHRs on a screen.

Medical assistants who are patient and have spent the time necessary to become familiar with the nuances of EHRs will prove quite helpful to confused patients.

Medical Assistants are a Part of a Growing and Dynamic Field

Start your career as a medical assistant today and you will become a part of a rapidly expanding field.

It is not only the number of medical assistant jobs that is expanding.

The field’s technology is also evolving in interesting and unique ways as time progresses.

If you are looking for a fulfilling line of work that pays well, provides you with the opportunity to help those in need and lets you utilize cutting edge technology, a career as a medical assistant will prove quite rewarding. Start your medical assistant career today with Athena Career Academy.

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