What No One Tells You About Nursing School

Posted On July 11,2018


What No One Tells You About Nursing School

Anyone who is thinking about nursing school is no doubt considering all that a nursing career can offer, whether it be the fact that nursing jobs are always in high demand or the fact that being a nurse can be incredibly rewarding.

However, if you do decide to enroll in a nursing program, then you’ll want to know what you can expect. The following are a few things that most people don’t know about nursing schools that you will want to know before you choose a nursing program to enroll in:

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  • Expect plenty of all-nighters – Nursing programs are very challenging and require a lot of work. As a result, it’s not uncommon to pull multiple all-nighters, no matter what kind of nursing program you enter.
  • Expect some nursing school burnout – The amount of studying and training required to become a nurse can be very stressful. This stress can result in nursing school burnout if you’re not careful. You can plan ahead for potential burnout by finding different methods for coping with the stress, such as meditation. Remember to keep your mind on the ultimate goal of becoming a nurse as well and the stress may become more tolerable.
  • Expect a challenge finding an affordable program – It can be challenging to find a low-cost nursing program. Many four year programs are quite expensive, while community colleges that offer nursing programs often have long wait lists. It’s why you should consider our one-year LPN and our one-year LPN to RN program, and why you might want to look for an employer that offers tuition reimbursement programs.
  • Expect to form valuable relationships – One thing that might catch you by surprise, especially when you take into consideration the amount of work, stress and potential cynicism that will most likely deal with, is that you’re bound to build relationships with professors and fellow students that will last a lifetime. You’re going to be forced to work together with fellow students for extended periods of time, which means you’ll likely grow close with them. Not only will this make nursing school much more memorable and valuable as a life experience, but you’ll have a network of people that you can rely on to help you find work as you pursue your career as a nurse once you graduate.Download Our Healthcare Programs Guide

These are some of the things that you should expect should you enroll in a nursing program. Knowing what to expect can make things a lot easier — but know this: if you manage to complete a nursing program, you can expect an incredibly fulfilling career as a nurse. If you’re thinking about nursing school, then be sure to contact us at Athena Career Academy for information about our Toledo nursing school.