Common Interview Questions For Early Childhood Teachers

Posted On August 16,2018



Teachers are some of the most valuable members of society. They are tasked not only with teaching our children but also with watching out for them throughout the day. For this reason, potential teachers are questioned vigorously on a variety of topics. 

Candidates preparing for a job interview for a teaching position need to prepare themselves for some soul-searching questions. Here are a few of the most common:

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Do You Understand Children?

Notice that this question is slightly different from being asked if you “like” children. While the latter qualification is important, it is not as important as understanding how to deal with children. Instead, it is more important that a potential teacher understand how to communicate with and understand children and must also know how to effectively keep them under control. It is an essential difference that every teacher must comprehend.

Do You Relate to Teaching?

Even at the kindergarten level, there is far more to teaching than just babysitting a group of small children. A teacher is actually charged with inculcating a love of learning – and actually how to learn – in their charges so that in their later years they will pay attention in class and not need to relearn the fundamentals. It is a daunting challenge but one that can be met with a little perseverance and tenacity.

What is Your Favorite Subject to Teach?

This question is a bit of a red herring as the interviewer does not really want to know how you will teach about a subject that you love. Instead, they will be searching for how you will teach about a subject that really does not interest you. It is a valid point and one that you should take care to answer in a very positive manner. In other words, no subject is outside your ability to teach as long as you are given enough time to familiarize yourself with it.

How Would You Handle this Situation?

This question that poses a hypothetical situation is a favorite of interviewers. It is impossible to know exactly what they will ask but the question usually revolves around one of two scenarios. The first is how would you resolve a disagreement among your students while the second will ask you how an unruly student who ignores your authority should be handled.

What Is The Parents Role?

Integral to the success of any teacher is the inclusion of parents in the process. It is essential for a potential teacher to understand this fundamental tenet of the learning process. In other words, the learning process goes beyond the classroom and is continued in the home. Any teacher candidate must know this and encompass it in their lessons.

What Technology Will You Use in the Classroom?

You need to recognize that it is the 21st century and even the youngest of children – not to mention your bosses – will expect you to use modern technology to some extent in the classroom. Computers are a must but what will you do with them. Some obvious answers are to utilize SMART boards or to build a collaborative website.

There are dozens of other questions that you will confront you as a teacher candidate. You really cannot be ready for all of them but… you can try. For further information on the many challenges – and opportunities! – of finding a qualified teaching position, please contact us at the Athena Career Academy. We can be found online at or reached directly by phone at 419.329.4075.

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