Set Yourself up for a Successful Teaching Career

Posted On August 25,2020

Teacher talking to students at a desk in a classroom.

The first year of teaching can be hard, as you aren’t sure what to expect. Sometimes this anxiety can be so great that it even prevents an individual from enrolling into an early childhood education program. If you’re feeling nervous about the idea of going back to school and earning a degree, don’t be. Rest assured, there are plenty of strategies you can implement to help guarantee your success as a teacher.

Here are some simple ways to set yourself up for a successful teaching career:

Plan Ahead for the Year

This may sound obvious, but it’s easy to get caught up in the busy, day to day happenings in the classroom, and lose track of your long-term goals for the school year. It’s a good idea to start planning out your goals for the school year at the start of the last month of summer break. Allow yourself some time to assess goals periodically, much the same way a business owner would look back at their business plan to ensure they’re meeting their financial goals. Having a solid plan in motion, along with goals and milestones you hope to hit throughout the year will help keep you motivated to stay on track and keep progressing.

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Find a Mentor for Guidance and Support

While you may be the only person teaching your class, that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. Finding an experienced, veteran teacher who can answer questions, share ideas, give advice, and show you the ropes can be a huge source of comfort and support. Keep in mind that these educators were once in the same position as you are now, so once you gain experience and knowledge, it would be great to do the same and offer support and guidance to other new teachers.

Admit When You Need Help or Make a Mistake

Much like finding a mentor, don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need help or make a mistake. Asking questions is the quickest way to learn, and if you do happen to make a mistake, try and view it as a learning opportunity. All teachers make mistakes from time to time, so it’s important to learn from that mistake but then move on and put it behind you.

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Have Fun and be Energetic

Students respond much more positively to a friendly teacher who isn’t afraid to laugh and let loose from time to time, than one who is always serious or grumpy. The way a teacher carries themselves is important, so maintaining a happy, positive, and upbeat demeanor will greatly enhance your approachability with your students, and everyone else around you too.

Establish Rules and Set Boundaries From the Start

While it might be tempting to try and be the cool teacher when you’re first starting out, it sets a bad precedent and makes it difficult to maintain control in the classroom. Rather than wait until things get out of control, address misbehavior quickly, and be consistent when it comes to classroom rules and expectations.

Never Stop Learning

Education is important, so it’s imperative to never stop learning and growing, from the moment you enroll in an early childhood education program and beyond. Successful teachers are passionate about their chosen profession and enjoy learning and discovering different ways to improve and develop their teaching methods throughout the years. Consider joining your local association and taking advantage of any opportunity for professional development.

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Remember Why You Started

On those days when teaching is tough, think back to why you became a teacher in the first place. It’s not uncommon to feel your passion for teaching become shadowed by a few bad days. Find some new and creative ways to present old ideas in new ways to your class, and remember your students are the reason you’re there. Contact Athena Career Academy today to get started on your path to an exciting career in teaching.