Is 40 Too Old to Become a Teacher?

Posted On October 12,2020

Nearly half of new teachers enter the profession later in life. If you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance you’re seriously considering becoming a teacher but are concerned that you’re too old to start a new career.

Mature teacher smiling at her desk in front of a bookshelf.

While it’s true that some teachers take the traditional route, which includes student teaching during college, followed by a full-time teaching job beginning in their early 20’s, this certainly isn’t the case for all teachers. In fact, it may surprise you to learn that only around 55 percent of incoming teachers in the US start out this way. Not only are you not too old, but you’re definitely not alone in making the wise decision to earn a degree in early childhood education now.

You Know What You Want Out of Life

It can be difficult to know what kind of career you want when you’re young and just starting out. Those over 40 have a pretty good idea of what they want out of life because they’ve experienced so many things already.

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You’ll Bring Invaluable Life Experience Into the Classroom

While classroom learning is important, real life experience is truly priceless because it can’t be taught. While it’s true that being young may offer some advantages, age comes with a different set of advantages, such as, wisdom, patience, and perspective.

There Will Always be a Demand for Teachers

No matter where you live, as long as people continue having children, there will always be a growing demand for schools and teachers. For those looking for job security, early childhood education is a great choice because there will always be a demand for qualified educators.

Get on the Fast track to a rewarding teaching career in early Childhood Education

You’ll Have Plenty of Support Along the Way

For many older students, one major concern they have with starting over in a new career is the financial cost. In addition to that, going back to school is a huge time commitment which can be overwhelming for older students who have to balance student life with adult responsibilities.

Fortunately, you can rest assured knowing there are programs designed for students just like yourself, with your situation in mind. If you’re interested in earning a degree in early childhood education, there are programs out there offering flexible class schedules and financial aid. Whatever assistance you need, there’s a program out there that will meet your needs.

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You’ll Be Glad You Took the Chance

Rather than spend the rest of your life wondering “What if”, wouldn’t it be awesome to live your life without any career regrets? Ask the majority of teachers if they love their job, and they’ll proudly tell you that they can’t imagine doing anything else.

While teaching certainly has its share of difficult moments, it also remains one of the most rewarding and fulfilling careers to ever exist. If teaching is a profession you feel compelled to pursue, then you owe it to yourself to give it a chance. Contact Athena Career Academy today to get started on your path to a new career. You can speak with someone on our admissions team to answer any questions you have about our accredited program and our highly skilled, passionate faculty.