Should You be an Early Childhood Educator?

Posted On May 11,2021

Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is a tough decision, and sometimes we don’t get it right on the first try. If you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, you’re likely weighing out the pros and cons of the job first, just to make sure you’re making the right decision. So, how can you tell if teaching is the right fit for you? 

If any of these statements ring true for you, then you’re headed in the right direction:

You Enjoy Being Around Children 

Working with children isn’t for everyone, so if the thought of being around young children for multiple hours a day makes you cringe instead of smile, then becoming a teacher may not be the best fit for you. However, if you find children fascinating and enjoy being around them, then you’re on the right track. 

You Have Lots of Patience 

Patience is a must when dealing with children, as there will be times when disruptions or behavioral issues will arise. As a teacher, you will need to remain calm and understanding, even during difficult and frustrating situations. 

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You are Optimistic 

Having a positive, happy attitude is a great asset when becoming a teacher. This doesn’t mean that you have to be happy all of the time, but a consistently negative attitude can be detrimental in an early childhood classroom, as children look up to you as their role model. Approaching each day with optimism and a cheerful demeanor will make a positive, lasting impact on your young and impressionable students. 

You Can Lead with Confidence 

An effective early childhood educator is one who can confidently lead and guide their classroom with assurance. Having confidence in yourself by believing that you’re fully capable of managing a number of different personalities in a fast-paced environment is a quality that will serve you well as a teacher. While some days may prove to be more challenging than others, you know you can handle whatever comes your way. 

You Thrive on Creativity 

If you aren’t naturally creative, that’s okay because creativity can be taught, but having a creative mind-set is definitely helpful when becoming a teacher. Being creative helps you become a better problem solver by allowing you to see things differently. You enjoy thinking outside the box, whether it’s coming up with innovative ideas, lesson plans, or approaches to solving problems. 

You Aren’t Afraid to Act Silly 

If you’re worried about looking silly while singing or clapping along with your students, then becoming a teacher and working with young kids may not be right for you. Plus, children tend to respond better to adults with a friendly, outgoing, demeanor with a good sense of humor. 

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You are Kind and Supportive 

Young children need plenty of encouragement and emotional support, so being able to show them kindness and respect is a must. Children perform their best when they have a compassionate guide leading them in the right direction. 

Is Becoming a Teacher the Right Career Choice for You? 

Are you destined to become a teacher and make a difference? If you found yourself nodding your head in agreement to any of the questions above, then why wait any longer? Contact Athena Career Academy for more information about their accredited and reputable early childhood education program.